Image of a 十大博彩推荐排名州立 family


Virtual 家长资源, Families and Students

家长 & 家庭的编程

We are now hosting virtual events for parents and families! Offered in English and Spanish, parents and families are invited to learn about our campus, how to understand financial aid packages 和更多的.⁣

注册一个家长 & 家庭事件

View 家长 金融援助 Guide (PDF)

Experience 十大博彩推荐排名州立 

Video Viewbook and Interactive 校园地图 -像红鹰一样翱翔,通过我们新的视频观景书和互动校园地图沉浸在十大博彩推荐排名州立大学美丽的校园中! 当你了解我们的学术课程时,看看为什么十大博彩推荐排名州立大学是适合你的学校, the value of a 十大博彩推荐排名州立 education, 和红鹰生活.

Explore 十大博彩推荐排名州立 Virtually

虚拟校园体验 – Want some company during your 虚拟之旅? Join us for a Student Ambassador-led 虚拟校园体验! Using our interactive map, your Student Ambassador will help you picture yourself at 十大博彩推荐排名州立, show you our state-of-the-art buildings 和一个swer your questions!

Register for a 虚拟校园体验


我们的新生和转学招生顾问可以通过电话进行远程咨询, 在线聊天, 或者网络会议! 当你注册的时候, 您将选择您喜欢的日期和时间,并提供您想要讨论的内容的简要描述,以确保我们的工作人员准备好帮助您和您的家人. Register for a telecounseling session below:

我们的财务援助顾问可以通过电话进行20分钟的远程咨询, 在线聊天, 或者网络会议. 当你注册的时候, 你将选择你喜欢的日期和时间,并提供一个简短的描述,你想谈谈什么,以确保我们的辅导员准备帮助你和你的家人.

Webinars and Information Sessions

我们的本科招生和经济援助团队正在举办各种主题的网络研讨会,包括您的录取学生清单, Information Sessions for Prospective Freshmen, 金融援助 and Student Accounts, 和更多的. We’re constantly adding new dates and topics.


If you’d like to watch previous webinars we’ve hosted, subscribe to the 十大博彩推荐排名州立 大学视频 Channel.


We’ve implemented a live chat feature on our 招生主页. 在这里, 你将能够与实际的招生工作人员联系,并实时回答你所有的问题. If you’ve already chatted with our Rocky Bot, 确保点击聊天屏幕顶部的三个点,然后选择“重启对话”——这将允许你开始实时聊天. (This is currently staffed Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. 到下午4:30.m.)



A Letter from the Director of 本科招生

Dear 家长, Guardian, Family Member, or Friend of a Future Red Hawk:

这是多么艰难的时刻啊. 通过中断, challenges and obstacles beyond anyone’s wildest imagination, we’ve come out on the other side and (hopefully) brighter days are ahead.

破纪录的3,今年秋天,来自32个州和11个国家的500多名一年级学生在十大博彩推荐排名州立大学注册. These new Red Hawks are resilient student scholars with hopes, 梦想和抱负就像他们的背景和学术兴趣一样多样化. I am so looking forward to seeing what they accomplish.

我们知道,要缩小大流行期间扩大的获取差距,仍有许多工作要做. We’re dedicated to addressing this multifaceted issue. Some of our new initiatives include:

  • Expanding merit and financial aid. 我们正在实施一项更广泛的择优奖学金计划,旨在从2022年秋季开始增加每年秋季我们能够提供择优奖学金的学生总数. 我们还承诺, 作为一所大学, 为新泽西州居民提供花园州担保,为年收入65美元的家庭提供50%的学费减免,001 – $80,000 annually during their third and fourth years of enrollment. The Garden State Guarantee provides free tuition for families making $65,000 or less during their student’s third and fourth year. 这些措施符合我们为学生提供高价值和负担得起的教育的使命.
  • Simplifying the application process. 我们正在积极努力确保申请过程不会成为学生入学的障碍. 我们也为教育机会基金的申请者制定了一个更直观的流程.
  • Increasing access to learn about and connect with us. 我们正在扩大对入学材料的访问,通过实现一个定制的数字视屏,可以在任何地方访问, 任何时候. 今天就开始吧。 十大博彩推荐排名.edu/4. We’ve increased the number of 开放的房子s, 信息发布会和周六旅游安排,以满足大流行后增加的参观需求. We’ve also created a robust self-guided tour option, so working families can visit our campus whenever it is convenient for them.

除了, 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学从联邦政府拨出300多万美元的流行病救济资金,用于夏季项目, 包括为即将入学的大学生开设的大学路径学院和暑期桥梁课程.

我们很高兴今年能回到高中参观和大学博览会,迫不及待地想见到你的学生, but we’re not just speaking to them. 今年春天, 我们邀请您加入我们即将到来的英语或西班牙语家长和监护人虚拟活动之一. You’re invited to view our beautiful campus, learn how we support students inside and outside of the classroom, how to understand financial aid packages 和更多的. 如欲登记,请浏览 应用.十大博彩推荐排名.edu/portal/parents.


Jordanna Maziarz
Director, 本科招生


十大博彩推荐排名的 restart plan will guide every aspect of how we operate, 从保障措施, 对学者, 校园生活, 住房, 餐厅, 交通等. Review the detailed plan now on our 红鹰重启 website. 

Frequently Asked Questions

如果我计划在秋季住在校园里,但COVID-19紧急情况阻止我搬进去, will my 住房 deposit be refunded?

目前还没有任何官方决定会对学生明年秋天的校园生活产生负面影响, so there is not yet a policy on refunding the non-refundable 住房 deposit. 然而, 今年, when students were asked to move off campus due to the emergency, 他们可以选择是按比例获得住房费用退款,还是在明年的住房账单中申请信贷. We will share any new developments with you as soon as they arise.

我交了入学保证金,但现在我不知道我是否能在秋季入学. Can my deposit be refunded?

While the admissions and 住房 deposits are nonrefundable, we understand that these are challenging times. 在你决定取消你的注册之前,请记住,我们会尽我们所能帮助你! 与招生顾问预约一次远程咨询,回顾你的情况,并考虑你的下一步行动. Sign up for a telecounseling appointment today!

Each request for a deposit refund is evaluated on a case-by-case basis. 我们试图为学生和他们的家庭提供尽可能多的灵活性. 如果你想要求退还押金,请发邮件给本科招生主任杰夫·甘特 askthedirector@十大博彩推荐排名.edu.

I want to defer my enrollment for a later semester. 我该怎么做呢? If I earned a merit scholarship, will I keep it if I defer my enrollment?

学生可以推迟入学一学期或一年,而不必重新申请入学. To do so, please email us at msuadm@十大博彩推荐排名.edu. 当你推迟录取时,我们假定你的学习成绩没有变化. 如果你在延期期间在其他地方注册,你必须重新申请转学生. 如果你在提交延期申请的时候有任何优秀的申请材料,比如高中的最终成绩单, you must still submit them before you will be able to enroll.

As long as you do not enroll elsewhere during your deferral period, 你的总统奖学金或国家学生奖学金也将被推迟.

I have other questions about financial aid, billing or registration. 我可以和谁通话?

A one-stop resource for any questions you may have about paying for college, navigating our systems or planning for the fall, is 红鹰中心. Please reach out to them for additional support at redhawkcentral@十大博彩推荐排名.edu or 973-655-7600


不幸的是, 所有大学赞助的亲自访问计划目前都被搁置,因为我们遵循州长关于关闭和保持社交距离的指示. Rest assured, though, that we want you to see 十大博彩推荐排名州立 for yourself! Once it is safe to host guests on campus again, you’ll be the first to know. 与此同时, 我们整理了一些方法让你虚拟地了解十大博彩推荐排名州立大学, 包括一个 虚拟之旅 和一个 互动校园地图.