

There was a sense of great excitement and joy for the alumni who returned to campus to celebrate their 50th reunion on 5月23日 and 24 of 2023.

For 琼Marchese ‘73, reunion was both wonderful and rewarding. 她分享, “There were smiles all among us throughout the day as we reconnected with old friends and some classmates that we had never met. Exchanging stories and memories of experiences brought back fond memories of our years at Montclair. I am so happy to have participated in this memorable event. 我强烈建议每位校友都来参加.”

庆祝里程碑式的周年纪念, members of the class of 1973 were invited to the 大学’s 2023 Commencement Ceremony held at Prudential Center on Tuesday, 5月23日,  and came back to campus the following day for activities to reconnect with former classmates, 校友和他们的母校.

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学’s commencement for the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, 护理学院, 大学学院, 5月20日, 2023.

Reunion celebrants had the honor of leading the procession during the Commencement Ceremony. Members of the class of 1973 donned graduation attire and special reunion regalia signifying the 50th anniversary or their graduation.

“Being honored in our caps and gowns was a truly amazing experience and one that doesn’t happen often. Leading the procession and being applauded by an entire stadium of 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 families and supporters was just thrilling,73岁的艾丽西亚Silvestri说.

Members from the class of 1973 gathered ahead of the ceremony in the Press Room at Prudential Center for a special lunch and visit from President Jonathan Koppell and, 当然, 岩石, 红鹰!

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 held Commencement exercises for 5,386 graduates – many of whom are first-generation graduates. The group was seated in the front section at the Prudential Center to cheer on the newest alumni from the Class of 2023. “Attending the Commencement ceremony was such a joy – and, I led the procession into the stadium!1973年的布伦达·吉曼回忆道.


The reunion festivities were sponsored by the Office of 校友 Engagement and participants enjoyed a number of activities, 包括喝咖啡和聊天的时间, 准时赴会, 班级合影,学生带队参观校园.

“We were thrilled to welcome the class of 1973 back to campus to share this very special celebration and to provide the opportunity to reconnect in person with each other and the university,珍妮·马拉诺说, assistant vice president for Annual 给 and 校友 Engagement. “校友们看到了母校的惊人变化, and it was wonderful to hear their stories of their time at Montclair.”

The Wednesday itinerary also included an alumni gathering on the Montclair campus for coffee and conversation, 由礼品策划办公室主办, where they reflected on Montclair’s past and its transformation and heard about the 大学’s future from President Jonathan Koppell.

“I was very impressed with President Koppell when he came to speak with us at the start of the day’s festivities. 我只是对他感到惊讶, and it was a highlight for me to hear his vision for the future of the 大学 and for its students,73岁的艾丽西亚Silvestri说

A highlight for many from the class of 1973 was the tour of campus. Rosemary Webb from the class of ‘73 was on the Montclair campus about 10-15 years ago for a graduate information session. Even in that smaller window of time, she couldn’t believe the amazing changes to campus. 当她和几个同学坐在旅游巴士上时, 都来自不同的专业, they shared memories from their time as students in the early 70’s, 就他们认识的事物交换意见, 还有2023年的新事物.

As part of the luncheon program, guests shared a memory from their time as students. Many talked about how Montclair shaped their lives and made an impact that lasted a lifetime. 对布伦达·吉曼来说,73年的人脉是关键. 她分享, “It was special seeing a few old friends and making some new friends.”

It was a memorable time for many, especially those who were able to attend events across both days. 艾丽西亚Silvestri ‘73 added, “Every detail of the two-day event made me feel like I was a VIP. Kudos to the team for making this such a memorable experience. 分享回忆,展望未来, reconnecting with old classmates and connecting with new ones – our 50th reunion was a wonderful experience in every way. It really reinforced my connection to 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学.”


In addition, the 1958届毕业生, joined in the luncheon to celebrate their 65th Reunion. Members of the class included remarks from 玛丽安·多尔蒂,58岁, 谁帮她策划了班级50周年同学会, 15年前. 这个班的成员包括Ana M. 58岁的迪·基亚拉,58岁的丹尼斯·马查尔,还有58岁的阿拉克西·波罗. They were happy to partake in the day’s activities and to be back on campus for their next reunion celebration.


当被问及她的整体经历时, 73岁的罗斯玛丽·韦伯说, “我绝对推荐参加同学聚会! 看到毕业典礼上的人群, 听这位谈吐得体、风度翩翩的新总统讲话, and enjoying the tour – It was an all-around positive experience.”

According to Susan Wildorf ‘73, a 50 year reunion at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 is not to be missed. 作为一名1973届的校友, I can proudly say we were all treated with the utmost care and respect. 我将永远珍惜这段经历.”

Thank you to all members from the class of 1973 who came back to their alma mater to celebrate their 50th reunion! A special thank you as well to those from the 1958届毕业生 who joined in to celebrate their 65th reunion.








