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The 艺术学院 Welcomes 职业服务 Director


发布: 就业资讯


The 艺术学院 maintains a dedicated 职业服务 Center, headed by 维多利亚Nauta who started in the position this past Fall.

Prior to coming to 十大博彩推荐排名州立, Victoria spent the past 20 years working in career services, 最近担任威廉帕特森大学职业发展中心副主任. She has extensive experience in employer relations, building internship programs, 与教师和管理人员建立牢固的伙伴关系,并提供全面的职业援助.

维多利亚拥有传播学文学学士学位和高等教育文学硕士学位, both from Seton Hall 大学. 她很高兴能把自己的知识和对艺术的热情带到学院,并期待着引导学生走上成功的职业道路.

Victoria was recently interviewed on 十大博彩推荐排名州立’s own 新闻实验室! 看看她是怎么说的:

Q & 维多利亚·诺塔

Q. 来十大博彩推荐排名州立大学领导艺术职业服务最吸引你的是什么?

A. 成为职业服务中心主任一直是我职业生涯的下一个合乎逻辑的步骤,我知道我想留在公立高等教育. 我也喜欢和富有创造力和激情的人一起工作,他们不怕未来的职业挑战. Outside of my professional life, I have always been surrounded by the arts. I was a dancer since the age of seven; I enjoyed painting although I wasn’t very good at it; and in college I had the opportunity to write for the school newspaper and intern at a public relations firm. 我的女儿, 现在谁19岁了, followed in my footsteps but was a much better dancer and artist than I ever was. 她还拥有最美丽的女高音,所以我们的家庭总是被音乐包围. 艺术学院的院长职位为我提供了一个融合职业和个人生活的机会. It was the perfect combination of everything I loved: public higher education, helping students discover their path in life and the arts.

Q. What are your goals for the career services office?

A. 满足学生的需求,确保他们为毕业后的生活做好充分的准备,一直是我的首要任务. 我的目标是确保每一个走进我的门的学生得到他或她需要的帮助,并对这个办公室提供的职业准备感到满意. Every student is different. 他们的需求各不相同. 我想确保每个学生在求职过程中都能更轻松地离开.

我还想确保每个学生都能在他们选择的学习领域获得各种实习和全职机会. 因为这个原因, 我将专注于发展新的雇主关系,同时维护和培养艺术学院已有的牢固伙伴关系. I plan to assess the needs of our students and see where more work can be done. 我们的教师在艺术和传播行业有着惊人的脉搏,他们最了解我们的学生. I intend to communicate frequently with faculty so together, we can provide as many opportunities to our students as possible.

Most importantly, my goal is to listen to our students. Meet them where they’re at. 我不希望任何学生在毕业后回想起来,希望他们能从就业服务中心得到更多. Dancers, artists, designers, performers – these career paths can be difficult. I want to help students navigate the auditions; create their portfolios; display their pieces of art. 我不希望他们在没有更好地了解如何获得专业工作之前就离开了. 我将与业内专业人士合作,在校园举办研讨会,让学生们了解他们将面临的挑战,但更重要的是, how to overcome them and land that first job. 我将为他们提供机会发展他们的网络,并与校友和专业人士联系. I will give them every advantage they need to succeed.

Q. What do students look for when they come to the office and what can they expect to find?

A. 指导和安慰. Finding an internship or full-time position is often scary for a student, especially when it’s the first time seeking a professional job. 我在这里通过各种资源和一对一的咨询来减轻这种经历的压力. Most students want help with their resume. I like to sit down with each student individually and go over every section. It’s important for me to ask questions and see how we can better tailor the resume. 这不是一种放之四海而皆准的方法,因为每个学生都不一样,每个工作都不一样. 我喜欢花时间谈谈学生的经历,并讨论如何最好地向雇主展示这一点. 我希望我们的学生在申请职位时能最好地代表他们自己和十大博彩推荐排名州立大学. The resume is the first piece in their marketing toolkit, so I want to make sure it truly markets a students’ skills and achievements.

我也花了很多时间教学生如何进行实习或找工作. It’s not about handing out a list of websites for me. It’s sitting down and taking the time to review 雇佣一只红鹰 (our online job posting site) and other job search engines. 它是查看学生的LinkedIn页面,并展示如何最好地利用该网站建立联系. 而是找出学生的职业目标是什么,以及我如何才能最好地帮助他们实现目标. I provide the resources they need to succeed and encourage them to put the hard work in. 找工作有时就像一份全职工作,让学生们知道我会在整个过程中支持他们,这一点很重要.

Q. 你会给一名新生或即将毕业的学生什么职业发展建议,他们着眼于艺术事业?

A. 我对所有学生的建议都是一样的——职业发展过程从你到达十大博彩推荐排名的第一天就开始了. I realize it’s probably not what you’re thinking about when you first get to college. 你正在适应生活的新篇章,现在找工作并不是你优先考虑的事情. 但它应该是! 尽早开始建立你的人际关系,因为这些人会在你找工作的时候帮助你. Get involved in activities and organizations here on campus. Take on a leadership position. 去看演出, 志愿在你感兴趣的领域工作,积累实践经验. An internship (or two or three!) will be key to making you stand out amongst other candidates. It’ll also help you determine what you like and don’t like. Most importantly, don’t be afraid to try new things and step out of your comfort zone. Go to that audition you don’t think you can get. Talk to the gallery owner where you’d love to display your work. 应用 to that news station because you one day want to be on camera. Work hard to be prepared because a career in the arts can be challenging. 道路并不总是笔直的,你可能会发现自己在找到合适的全职工作之前,要做好几份自由职业. 但这是会发生的. 你会成功的. Stay motivated and do not wait until graduation to come see me.

Your career is determined by just one person: YOU.

You can achieve whatever you want if you put the time and effort into it. My office is here to help you along that journey. Don’t be afraid to stop by and say hello.

The Office of 艺术学院’ 职业服务 is located in Morehead Hall, room 221. Victoria and her staff can be reached at 973-655-7495 or at
