

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 职业服务 and students share strategies for landing extraordinary pre-career experiences that lead to success

发布: 就业服务重点

Students use their phones to scan a QR code for a Montclair Career Fair on September 6. There were plenty of part-time jobs being offered through the 大学’s 职业服务. (图片来源:John J. LaRosa)
Students use their phones to scan a QR code for a Montclair Career Fair on September 6. There were plenty of part-time jobs being offered through the 大学’s 职业服务. (图片来源:John J. LaRosa)

Vincent Gollotto never dreamed that volunteering to run social media for the Red Hawks men’s soccer team would be his ticket to travel the world, 但 that’s what happened when he accompanied the team to 德国 this summer to photograph training matches between the college athletes and professional players in Munich.

“我像往常一样在十大博彩推荐排名练习射击和比赛, 但, 显然是在一个美丽的地方, 一个我从未去过的新地方,戈洛托说, 体育传播专业的大四学生. 在 突出了: The reaction of midfielder Owen Murphy and his teammates after scoring the first goal on international turf.

“I could tell how excited the team and the coaches were to be there and I was lucky to be able to capture that and show everyone the amazing time they had,戈洛托说.

Two soccer players celebrate by pumping their fists after scoring a goal.
A photo taken by Vincent Gollotto during his summer job documenting the Red Hawks’ soccer team playing in a tournament in Munich, 德国. “The team was trying to prove that they could beat professional players and when they scored the team went crazy. 我处在捕捉他们反应的最佳位置.(Vincent Gollotto提供)

When it comes to landing a dream job, sometimes timing is everything. Gollotto hopes his experiences with Red Hawk 体育运动 and as an intern with the professional soccer club Philadelphia Union lead to a career in his chosen profession. 当他这么做的时候,他不是一个人. Countless 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 students have parlayed their internships and co-ops both on campus and abroad into careers.

Montclair’s location provides boundless opportunities for hands-on experiences with local governments, 企业, 非营利组织, 学校和保健机构. 学生们表示来自学校的支持 职业服务,他们的 顾问, 教授和导师, 以及大学的奖学金资源, 实习和奖学金帮助他们获得职位.

这是对职业生活的介绍, Chantelle Wright说, executive director for Montclair’s Experiential Education and Career Connections, 帮助学生找到自己真正的爱好. “他们能够试水, 知道什么是有效的, 他们喜欢什么, 他们不喜欢什么, and to also get connected with a support network that can help them build and develop their portfolio and their skills.”

这就是卡塔琳娜·罗德里格斯的经历, 工商管理专业的大四学生, 谁被总监拉美裔奖学金学生计划所接纳. “这个奖学金让我进入了职业发展的轨道, 积极地去做, and pursue something that I’m interested in and want to learn more about,罗德里格斯说.

It also included an internship with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to work with the digital team on maternal public health. “It’s one thing to be in the classroom and learning about managerial accounting and business communications. It’s another to actively apply those lessons and see how they play out in the current environment,罗德里格斯说.

在秋季学期开始的时候, 理查德Steiner-Otoo, 地理专业的大四学生, 环境及城市研究, spent a week as an intern on a research vessel mapping the seafloor around Hawaii, an internship he discovered was available through the 大学’s Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation, 国家科学基金会资助的项目.

It’s just one of the opportunities he’s had while a student at Montclair. This past summer, he served as a White House intern in Washington, D.C.他在公众参与办公室工作. Letters of recommendations from his Montclair professors helped him win the coveted job.

“The internship experience is far more accessible than people would realize,” Steiner-Otoo says. “这引起了我的共鸣,也是我想分享的东西.”

A Montclair student hands out her resume to a potential employer during Montclair’s September part-time job fair. (图片来源:John J. LaRosa)

From some of the highest-profile names in the region – like ABC 新闻, the New York professional sports teams and pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson - to - micro实习和见习经历, 7人以上,6000名雇主被批准招聘十大博彩推荐排名的学生和校友, 09级的杰西卡·豪泽说, ’22 MA, 大学就业服务项目助理.

今年的新产品是 micro-internships, 短期, 灵活的, paid professional assignments that are similar to those given to new hires or interns. 这些项目允许学生展示技能, explore career paths and build a network as they seek the right full-time role.

Montclair provides career 顾问 in each of its schools and colleges, 提供一对一的职业咨询, 帮忙写简历和求职信. 人才招聘会往往会 这些活动将学生与正在招聘的雇主联系起来.

握手, an online recruiting platform, helps employers recruit college students and new grads. The system provides job and internship recommendations based on personal career interests and goals.

A student wearing a white lab coat writes notes on a small pad of paper inside a science lab.
杰夫Yumbla, 分子生物学专业大三学生, studied a protein found in the influenza virus during his summer research position at UC San Diego. (图片由杰夫Yumbla提供)

杰夫Yumbla, 分子生物学专业大三学生, displays the proactivity and strong planning it can take to find the perfect position. 他创建了一个Excel电子表格来跟踪研究项目, 他们的需求, 奖励和各种体验. He completed 11 rigorous applications six months before the programs would even begin. 最后, 他被录取了, choosing to conduct influenza research at the 大学 of California San Diego.

“I guess there’s an important lesson there is to apply to a lot of programs,” he says.

在他从加州飞回家的路上, Yumbla recalls looking out the airplane window reflecting on what he had accomplished. “那一刻,我感到非常伤感,非常激动. 就像,哇,我真的做到了,”他说. “I thought about the people who made it possible, including my research mentor Dr. 杰奎琳·卡塔拉诺[副教授], 化学与生物化学], because she was the catalyst for me to take this big jump to go out and apply for the programs and to go to San Diego.


特约撰稿人报道 玛丽莲·乔伊斯·莱伦.