Photo of Chapin Hall, home of the Cali School of Music

Resume Assistance and Internship and Job Preparation are a Meeting or Click Away for SCM Students

发布: 职业服务 新闻, College 新闻 and Announcements, School of Communication and Media 新闻

Need help with your career? Visit with the CART 职业服务 team. From left to right are 阿曼达·布兰德, 职业顾问, 维多利亚Nauta, Director for 职业服务, 还有米科·卡斯蒂略, Co-op and Employer Relations Assistant.
Need help with your career? Visit with the CART 职业服务 team. From left to right are 阿曼达·布兰德, 职业顾问, 维多利亚Nauta, Director for 职业服务, 还有米科·卡斯蒂略, Co-op and Employer Relations Assistant.

*CART 职业服务 is here to Help SCM and Students Launch Their Careers*

Students looking to advance their professional careers through resume or cover letter assistance while staying on track with academics and college credits should reach out immediately to CART 职业服务. The team offers a wide range of services to CART students including resume support, interview preparation and internship and career planning. 

Director for 职业服务 维多利亚Nauta recently sat down with our team to discuss how her team assists SCM students and all students in the College of the Arts:

  1. What is CART 职业服务 and how does it benefit SCM students?

“We are a team of professionals that provides career training and education to assist students and alumni with preparing for life post-graduation. 阿曼达·布兰德, 职业顾问, 还有米科·卡斯蒂略, Co-op and Employer Relations Assistant, are part of our team that serves more than 3,000 students and recent graduates.”

  1. What services do you offer?

“We offer all of the necessary tools for career readiness from resumes/cover letter creation, interview preparation, employment/internship search, career planning/指导, employer workshops-which students should always attend- and so much more.”

  1. How do these services help SCM students?

“We cover everything “Career,” with the exception of placing you into a job/internship. Think of us as the quarterback who sets you up for the touchdown, but you have to get the ball to the end zone. We may not be the ones to offer the positions but we are the ones that will get you to the door.”

  1. When is the best time to contact CART 职业服务?

“职业服务 is available Monday through Friday, 从早上8:30开始m to 4:30 pm, all appointments may be scheduled through握手.”

  1. What else should CART and SCM students know about your services?

“We want students to know that we are always approachable and that asking for help is never an issue; we just want the opportunity to do our best to help them succeed. Finding a job is not always easy; however, with the right tools, 指导, 和耐心, anything is possible.”

The team is available for in-person appointments through the end of the semester, Monday through Friday, 从早上8:30开始.m. 直到下午4:30.m. The team is also available for ZOOM appointments via handshake. The team can also be reached on Instagram or TikTok via @msucartcareers.

Story by SCM graduate student Tiffannie腼腆