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Reporting Live with Erin Lawlor

Posted in: Alumni Success Stories, Career Services News, Career Services Spotlights, College News and Announcements

Erin Lawlor image at News 12


The COVID-19 pandemic allowed people to think, reevaluate decisions, and make changes that aligned with their passions; that is just what Erin Lawlor did.

“我入学时主修儿童权益和政策,辅修社会工作和音乐剧. I thought I had wanted to be a lawyer,” said Lawlor. “Surprise, I did not. 在新冠肺炎期间,我是大一第二学期的学生,我有很多时间去思考. 我开始真正进入新闻,并意识到错误信息是一个大问题.”

Helping people comes in different forms, 艾琳找到了一种不需要成为律师就能帮助别人的方法.

Lawlor说:“我一直都知道我想帮助别人,只是不知道怎么做。. “这个夏天,我跟着塔拉·乔治教授选修了媒体写作, and it sparked a whole new passion for me. So, 我放弃了儿童权益、政策和社会工作辅修课程,并试图在这么短的时间内尽可能多地利用这些课程. It ended up taking a while to go through, so I didn’t officially change majors until junior year, but I wanted to graduate on time, so I worked hard to get it done!”


“My first writing internship was with RZR News, which at the time was a brand-new political writing platform. 虽然这是一次很棒的实习,但我意识到我不想从政。. “I loved writing, so I then got an internship with The Nash News, which combined my love for music and writing.”


“我被邀请参加十大博彩推荐排名大学的实习班,所以我也在为TapInto Westfield写作,” said Lawlor. “These were all so different, but taught me so much. 这让我意识到每天讲述不同的故事对社区的影响有多大.”

Internships allowed Erin to discover what she enjoyed, 她的经历为她目前的工作奠定了技能基础.

“Writing for print and writing for TV is very different, but it still helped me so much as a multimedia journalist,” said Lawlor. “在我目前的工作中,我必须写网络文章,所以这对我有帮助. 但它也帮助我在采访和写故事时获得了更多的信心. 我一心想做平面新闻直到我上了新闻实验室,完全爱上了电视.”


“蒙特克拉里昂给我的帮助比你想象的要多,”劳勒说. “这是我第一次真正的新闻经历,也是我转专业后做的第一件事. I had a support system there, 每个人都有一个共同的目标,那就是成功,把故事和新闻传递到我们的校园. It made me fall in love with the field even more. Again, this was another print journalism role, but it helped me so much to get me where I am right now. It is how my real passion and fire started.”

Currently, 艾琳是WBNG TV 12的一名多媒体记者,她正在这个行业中崭露头角.

“I am the first morning reporter they have had in 8 years, which is exciting, but also a bit challenging,” said Lawlor. “在某种程度上,我是在为下一个在我离开后成为早间记者的人铺平道路. I work from 3 a.m. 到12:30,我和最好的晨间团队一起工作. 每个人都很支持我,在这4个月里帮助我成长了很多. 每天早上有突发新闻时我都会做一个报道, I will go to that, and report live in the field. 我很感激能从纽约州的南部开始,我迫不及待地想随着时间的推移成长得更多!”


“我每次接受采访,甚至包括WBNG,他们都会给我两次写作测试,”Lawlor说. “I did not know this was going to happen. WBNG是有时间限制的,所以在我的采访结束后,他们给了我30分钟的时间,让我根据一个假的突发新闻和一篇网络文章写一个视频剧本. This shocked me. I mean it was fun, I liked the challenge, 但这绝对不是人们谈论或为你做准备的事情!”

尽管很难找出她喜欢目前角色的一件事, Erin enjoys how her stories help others.

“我喜欢在社区里讲好消息,”劳勒说. “作为一名早间记者,我可以自由地为这一周安排任何我想要的故事. 我真的很喜欢找到那些对社区有帮助的故事,或者只是一个让人们脸上露出笑容的好消息, especially when news can be so dark sometimes.”


“I tell everyone, and I cannot say it enough, Montclair helped me immensely to prepare for my career,” said Lawlor. “Professors like Siegelin, Effron, Gantt, McCarthy, and George, who really care and want to see their students succeed, helped me so much. Being pushed hard, 从一名学生记者到成为一名优秀的专业记者,我得到了诚实的反馈和批评. 如果不是我的教授,我不会有很多在十大博彩推荐排名的机会.”


“We hear it from professors so much, but they are completely right when they say network, network, network,” said Lawlor. “I took Career Management senior year and I am glad I did. 那门课的两位教授非常棒,在很多方面给了我很大的帮助. 我从那堂课学到的最大的东西就是利用你认识的人. If they want to help you, they will. It never hurts to ask. Put yourself out there and create a name for yourself. 一开始很难,但一旦你获得了信心,它就会让你走得更远! 当我还在上学的时候,网络让我在NJ News12找到了一份自由职业的副制片人的工作! Networking and LinkedIn. It’ll be your best friend.”


“I love New Jersey,” said Lawlor. “在泽西海岸出生和长大,所以我绝对想回去. 我喜欢讲新闻和好消息,我非常喜欢在我的家乡做这件事. 所以,回到新泽西,在我喜欢的地方做我喜欢的事情,是我的一个巨大目标.”

Written by, Sophia Ruggiero