


十大博彩推荐排名州立大学董事会的目的是为公众托管大学, 在治理中代表公众利益, 政策, 根据管理董事会和大学的法律法规的精神和意图,促进大学的发展.

校董会根据《十大博彩推荐排名》(NJSA)第18A条成立, 在某种程度上, that “the Legislature finds and declares that … the elimination of unnecessary State oversight and its accompanying bureaucracy will serve to unleash the creativity and innovation of these institutions; and … the institutions of higher education in the State shall be responsible for achieving the Statewide goals of affordability and accessibility for all students, 机构卓越, and effectiveness in addressing the societal and economic needs of the State; and in order to provide institutions with the ability to fulfill their mission and Statewide goals, greater decision making and accountability must be placed at the institutional level.”


董事会应拥有并行使法律授予的所有权力和职责,并应控制和管理法人团体的事务,并应行使所有该等权力,并采取控制和管理法人团体事务所需的所有合法行为和事项.  对于因行使与其职务有关的判断或自由裁量权而造成的损害,个别董事会成员不承担责任.  董事会可通过其认为适当的关于召开会议和管理法人团体的规则和条例. 除了法律规定的其他权力和义务之外, 董事会应拥有并行使权力, 权利, 以及正当政府所特有的特权, 行为, and management of the 大学 as well as the control of its properties and funds.


The 校董会 shall appoint and fix the compensation of 大学校长, who shall be the 大学’s executive officer and the Board’s chief adviser, 及董事会当然成员,无表决权. 主席应根据董事会的意愿任职. The executive leadership responsibility and management of the 大学, including the authority to sign documents on behalf of the Board, is delegated to and vested in 大学校长 pursuant to the 政策 of the Board, 国家规定, 和法规. 校长全面负责领导和管理大学,以实现其使命, 目标, 包括目的在内的指导, 研究, 并按照董事会的政策提供服务, 国家的法律, 以及学校的资源.


The 校董会 of 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 shall consist of between 10 and 18 citizens of the state, 如下:

a. 7 to 15 appointed by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate. 每届任期6年. Each member shall serve until a successor is appointed and qualified, 在未届满的剩余任期内,空缺应以与原任命相同的方式填补.

b. 2 undergraduate students elected by the student body at large in accordance with the policy of the Board. 一名学生一年为有表决权会员,另一名学生第一年为无表决权会员,第二年为有表决权会员. Only the voting student will be counted for the purpose of determining a quorum. 在讨论NJSA 18A:64N-8(c)中描述的以下主题期间,任何学生都不得参加非公开会议:(1)就业, 任命, 终止雇佣关系, 绩效评估, 促销活动, and discipline of current or prospective employees; (2) purchase, 用公共资金租赁、取得或出售不动产, 厘定银行利率, investment of public funds; (3) pending or anticipated litigation or matters falling within attorney-client privilege.

c. 1名当然委员, 大学校长, who shall serve without vote and shall not be counted for the purpose of determining a quorum.



第一节. 组织会议

理事会应于7月举行定期年度组织会议,在会议上从有表决权的成员中选出必要的官员,主席应任命成员并指定常务委员会主席. 这些官员应包括一名主席, 副主席和秘书的任期为两年,任期至其继任者当选,或经董事会表决有理由或无理由被免职为止. 同一人不得兼任两个职位,任何官员在同一职位上连续任职不得超过两个两年任期. Vacancies in any office shall be filled in the same manner as the original election for the unexpired term only. The Board may elect such other officers as it may from time to time require.

第二节. 会议

The Board may meet at such times and places as it may designate or as called by the 椅子. All meetings of the Board shall be held in compliance with the Open Public 会议 Act. 主席应在多数有表决权的成员要求或同意的情况下召开理事会会议. 每次会议的议程, 由大学校长及, 在可能的情况下, 与董事会主席协商, shall be given to each trustee at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting, 除非会议是按照NJSA 10:4-9(b)召开的。. Such notice may be given by mail, telephone, e-mail, or telegram, or in person. 除非董事会表决另有指示, 其所有会议均应按照最新版《十大博彩推荐排名》所规定的议会程序进行.

第三节. 法定人数

A majority of voting members currently serving on the Board shall constitute a quorum. 因此, seats that have been vacated by death or resignation shall not be counted for the purpose of determining a quorum. All questions coming before the Board shall be decided by a majority vote of those present and eligible to vote, 除了一名警官被撤职, the removal of 大学校长 or amendment of the bylaws, which shall require a majority of all currently serving voting Board members. 每位受托人应有一票表决权.


第四节. 椅子

The 椅子, when present, shall preside at all meetings of the Board and 执行委员会. He/she shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Board, 须经董事会批准. 他/她应不时向董事会报告他/她所知悉的与法人团体利益有关的所有事项.

第五节. 副主席

副主席在缺席或无法行事的情况下,应拥有并行使主席的一切权力和职责, and shall perform such other 职责 as may be prescribed from time to time by the Board

第六节. 秘书

The 秘书 shall perform such 职责 as may be prescribed from time to time by the Board.

第七节. 其他主持会议人员

主席和副主席缺席时, 秘书应担任临时主席,仅在该次会议上拥有主席的权力并履行主席的职责. In the absence of all officers, the Board may appoint a 椅子 pro tem.


第一节. 全体委员会


第二节. 执行委员会

There shall be an 执行委员会 composed of the 椅子 of the Board (who shall chair the Committee), 董事会副主席, 董事会秘书, 刚卸任的董事会主席, 以及董事会各委员会的主席.  All members of the 执行委员会 shall be voting members unless this would constitute a quorum of the Board.  如果上述受托人构成董事会的法定人数, 一个或多个委员会主席, 由董事会主席决定, who are not concurrently officers of the full Board shall serve on the Committee without vote.  在法律允许的范围内, 执行委员会有权在董事会会议间隙代表全体董事会采取行动.  A majority of voting members of the 执行委员会 shall constitute a quorum thereof.  在下次董事会例会上, the 执行委员会 shall report its actions to the full Board.

第三节. 常务委员会

The Board shall create standing committees composed of Board members, which shall report directly to the Board to aid it in carrying on the business of the body corporate.  在法律允许的范围内, 存在, 职责, 常务委员会的职能可以撤销, 改变或添加到, and new standing committees may be created by the Board from time to time as it may deem necessary. 常设委员会是:

  1. 审计、财务及投资委员会
  2. 教务及设施委员会
  3. 人事、薪酬、提名及管治委员会

The 椅子 of the 审计、财务及投资委员会 shall have accounting or related financial management expertise, and the Board shall make efforts to ensure that a majority of the members of the Committee have such expertise.  审计, 金融, and Investment Committee shall prepare an annual report for submission to the Board.

董事会主席, immediately after his/her election and at the annual organizational meeting, shall appoint and designate the chair and the members of the standing committees. 董事会主席和大学校长应为每个常务委员会的当然无表决权成员.  各委员会应备存会议记录.

第六节. 特设委员会

董事会可设立特设委员会, the members of which shall serve at the pleasure of the Board and without compensation. After consultation with 大学校长 and upon the advice and consent of the Board, the 椅子 of the Board may appoint the members and designate the chair of such ad hoc committees. Members of ad hoc committees may include both trustees and non-trustees, as needed. 董事会主席和大学校长应为每个特设委员会的当然无表决权成员.


本附则可经董事会表决,以符合新泽西州法律的任何方式予以废除或修订, 但须在拟就该修订进行表决的会议前最少10天,向每名董事会成员提供一份拟议修订的副本. 如第4条所述, 第三节, amendment of the bylaws shall require a decision by a majority of all currently serving voting Board members.





Amended: October 16, 1994 (following dissolution of the Board of Higher Education)


修订日期:6月10日, 1999年(增加高级人员的任期限制), 执行委员会成员变更, 序言部分的更新, 编辑澄清)

修订日期:2月8日, 2001年度组织会议, 增加管理人员任期, 澄清有关撤职人员的事宜, 提名委员会的组成)

修订日期:12月11日, 2003 (authority of 执行委员会 to act on behalf of Board, 增设审计及财务委员会, designation of 椅子 and President as voting members of the Ad Hoc Investment Committee)


修订:9月17日, 2010年常委会纳入审计, 财务及投资委员会, 教务及设施委员会, and the 人事、薪酬、提名及管治委员会)

Amended: June 12, 2019 (compliance with revised enabling statute)