

Your 合作社 Faculty Advisor

因为合作教育是一种体验式的教育过程, 它既有学术成分,也有职场成分. You will be assigned to a faculty member who will guide you as you work to integrate classroom theory with workplace practice. Your level of achievement during your internship will be measured by the new learning you demonstrate by your performance as an entry-level professional on the job.

With your 合作社 faculty advisor, you will develop a document called a Learning Agreement. A Learning Agreement provides the vehicle for making the learning experience a mutual understanding between you, your 合作社 faculty advisor, 你的合作社/实习现场主管, 和大学. Once you have signed the Learning Agreement, you are responsible for honoring your commitment.

所有学术项目, 在学习协议中确定的, 必须完成哪些课程才能顺利完成你的合作培训课程. 如果你没有完成它们, your 合作社 Faculty Advisor will submit a grade that reflects unsatisfactory work.

一旦你开始工作, your 合作社 Faculty Advisor may visit the work site to meet with you and with 你的合作社/实习现场主管. Based on 你的合作社/实习现场主管’s written and verbal assessments and on your academic projects, 你的合作社指导老师会在你的合作社学期结束时给你一个字母等级, 你的成绩单上会包括哪些内容.


Part of your grade may be based on assessments of your job performance provided by your Employment Supervisor. Your Supervisor will also be sent a Midterm and Final Evaluation to complete via 握手. It is your responsibility to see that they are completed and submitted to your 合作社 Faculty Advisor.



  • 你履行学习协议条款的情况;
  • The quality of the projects you complete; and;
  • The feedback provided by 你的合作社/实习现场主管 about your work performance.


Incomplete grades will be granted by faculty members in cases where a student has completed most of the work for a course and extraordinary circumstances preclude the student from finishing work by the end of a semester of summer session. Incomplete grades will be posted for a period of approximately six weeks after the submission of Final Grades: February 15th for a Fall course, 春季课程是6月30日,夏季课程是10月15日.

如果作业没有完成,最终成绩没有在规定时间内公布, 成绩将恢复为F. Faculty members will no longer need to submit incomplete contracts, the grade sheet will suffice. 个别教员, 学校和/或学院可以继续使用不完整的合同, 然而, it will not be submitted to the Registrar’s office and the six week period will be the maximum permissible course completion time.



在最终加/退课截止日期之前放弃的课程将从记录中删除. Courses withdrawn after the Final Add/Drop deadline through the ninth week of the semester will be recorded as WDs.


100%调整 during the first week of the semester for full term courses and prior to the third class meeting for all short term courses and other courses that meet less than full term (courses dropped).

50%调整 during the first third of the semester for full term courses or its equivalent for short term courses and other courses that meet less than full term (courses recorded as WD).

没有调整 after the first third through the tenth week of the semester for full term courses (courses recorded as WD). No refund after the first third until the midpoint for courses that meet less than full term (courses recorded as WD).  更多信息可以在网上找到.

豁免: 在极端情况下可予以豁免,例如.e.、突然住院、家人去世等.  The Dean of Students will consider these exceptions only when “unforeseeable and uncontrollable circumstances prevail.”  Only students who have received a grade lower than C- in a class will be eligible for an exemption and students who receive these exemptions will 总是收到WF.  No exemptions will be made after one calendar year after the posting of the final grade.


The decision to enroll in Cooperative Education means a commitment to stay on the job until the end of the term. 如果出现可能改变你这样做能力的情况, 或者你的工作职责发生了重大变化, 遵循以下步骤.

Any routine questions about your internship and your internship responsibilities should be discussed with 你的合作社/实习现场主管 first. 如果有严重问题, 然而; you must contact your 合作社 Faculty Advisor and then contact your career services office. 还记得, 如果有什么困难, you are responsible for immediately contacting your 合作社 Faculty Advisor and 职业服务.

如果你想在你的时间上做出实质性的改变, 或者需要请假, 或者是否有其他重大的时间表违规, 先和就业服务中心谈谈. 这些要求必须通过你所在学院/学校的就业服务办公室提出.

如果因为性格冲突而产生问题, misunderstandings or other situations that you are unable to handle easily in a routine manner, contact your 合作社 Faculty Advisor and the 职业服务 office in your college/school.

有些情况需要立即打电话, 包括性骚扰或任何形式的非法歧视. Call immediately if you are assigned to do a job that appears unsafe or hazardous to your health.

If your employer changes your work assignment from that which was specified when you were hired, contact your 合作社 Faculty Advisor and 职业服务. 记住,大学是根据一个特定的职位描述来批准这个职位的. 如果你不能接受新的职位描述,你可能会被退出面试.


如果你在注册了co-op课程后被co-op/实习职位解雇, your 合作社 Faculty Advisor and 职业服务 office will discuss the decision with 你的合作社/实习现场主管.  如果他们认为没有其他可能的选择, your 合作社 Faculty Advisor will follow one of the following paths:

  1. 给予“F”的分数
  2. 安排你退课
  3. 给出“不完整”的评分
  4. 每个病例都将根据具体情况进行评估, 如果可能的话, 另一个合作场所可以用来满足剩余的要求.

If you are fired and receive an “Incomplete” you must find a new position that meets 合作社 standards. The position must call for the same length of employment and qualify for the same number of credits as the prior position. Both the 职业服务 office in your college/school and your 合作社 Faculty Advisor must approve the position before you are allowed to accept it. Your new employer must agree to assess your progress and to meet all other responsibilities of a co-op employer partner.

You will have to develop a new Learning Agreement and have it signed by your 合作社 Faculty Advisor and your new 合作社/Internship Site Supervisor.