The side of University Hall and the School of Business.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Why was this program established?

The state established the program to assist qualified unemployed persons in gaining instruction that will provide them with identifiable job skills to gain reemployment.

Who pays for this program?

Montclair State University assumes, and is responsible for, all costs covered under the tuition waiver.

If I qualify for the tuition waiver with the Department of Labor/Workforce Development Agency, why can’t I automatically enroll in courses?

Approval via the Department of Labor/Workforce Development Agency is only one component of the overall tuition waiver application process at the University. Each NJ College or University conducts their own tuition waiver application and review process to ensure that all tuition waiver approvals are in keeping with the state regulation.

What does the tuition waiver cover financially?

The Unemployed Persons Tuition Waiver covers the cost of tuition for a course(s) and the following fees (minus any PELL/TAG grant assistance): General Service Fee, Facilities Fee and Computer/ Technology Fee. Participating students are responsible for paying (or having financial aid cover) the cost of equipment, materials, textbooks and laboratory or equipment usage fees required for a specific course or program, as well as fees which are dedicated to self-sustaining funds, such as parking charges, room and board and other optional user fees plus the mandatory $20.00 administrative fee.

Does the tuition waiver cover multiple semesters?

No. Participants must formally apply for the tuition waiver each semester if there is a course applicable to retraining. Entire degree or certificate programs are not covered by the waiver.

When can I register?

Participants will be permitted to register for courses on or after the first day of classes for the term in which they are receiving the waiver. For summer sessions, students will be permitted to enroll on the first day of the session they which to take only. Student will not be permitted to register for summer courses prior to the start of the session they wish to take.

Is there a deadline to register for course(s)?

是的, participants will only be authorized to enroll in an approved course(s) through the final day of the Add/Drop period. Following the final day of Add/Drop, participants will be ineligible to enroll in courses for the remainder of the semester.

Can I get a permit from the Department to enroll in a closed course section?

No. The tuition waiver program is a space availability program. Therefore, participants can only register for those course sections with available seats. Participants are not eligible for permits in to closed course sections.

May I obtain a permit to enroll in a restricted course (one with prerequisite requirements)?

No. Participants are not eligible to receive a permit for restricted courses. If they apply for a course for which they have not met the prerequisite their application will be denied.

What does satisfactory academic progress mean?

Participants must demonstrate satisfactory academic progress by earning no less than a C- in any authorized course.

What constitutes good academic standing?

Participants in good academic standing maintain at least a minimum cumulative GPA of a 2.00 and a semester GPA of a 2.00 for all semesters enrolled.