


“Employers are looking for people with broad-based knowledge. Rather than someone who has learned a specific discipline, they want someone who can analyze information, 处理它, 然后以另一种形式还给我.”

Vice-President of the Naisbitt Consulting Group

The field of Classics is the original interdisciplinary subject, encompassing an enormous variety of human experience: language, 诗歌, 神话, 历史, 哲学, 宗教, 考古, 艺术和更多. It can prepare you for a wide range of careers. Smart and ambitious people have studied Classics for centuries. In more recent years, here are some who majored in the field in college:

  • J. K. 罗琳,《十大博彩推荐排名》的作者 哈利波特 系列
  • ABC新闻记者林恩·谢尔报道
  • Charles Geschke, Adobe的创始人
  • 大卫·帕卡德,惠普联合创始人
  • 泰德·特纳,TBS和CNN的创始人
  • 罗伯特。米. Gates, US Secretary of Defense, Director of 美国中央情报局
  • 杰瑞·布朗,加州州长
  • 詹姆斯·贝克,美国前国务卿


General Humanities will develop your sense of how to conduct critical inquiry into past cultures and modern manifestations of their ideas and values; a feeling for the recurring patterns but also enormous diversity of human culture; and to explore how past cultures form the basis for modern cultures and cultural attitudes.

What can a major in Classics and/or General Humanities Teach you?

  • 独立学习能力 -学习如何学习.
  • 研究技能 – Knowing where to find information and ideas, and being able to critically judge between various sources of ideas.
  • 写作技巧 – The ability to structure your thoughts coherently and express yourself in ways that are appropriate to the occasion.
  • 演讲技巧 – The ability to confidently and clearly express your ideas. The ability to convince someone of your arguments and persuade them of your point of view.
  • 批判性思维能力 – The ability to tell better ideas from worse, the ability to test ideas by subjecting them to relevant criteria.
  • 解决问题的能力 – The ability to understand and express a problem that needs to be solved, and the knowledge of various methods of analysis that might be relevant to the problem.
  • 跨学科技能 – The ability to work at the borders of traditional forms of knowledge, using the resources from more than one area to help define a problem and suggest approaches to it.
  • Global understanding and cultural sensitivity – The ability to appreciate cultures and religious traditions outside of your own.
  • 历史的理解 – The ability to see how and why things came to be as they are.
  • 审美理解 – The ability to recognize and produce visual, narrative, and musical structure, order, and appeal.
  • 透视的理解 – The ability to understand how other people or groups think.
  • 适应性 – The ability to apply knowledge and skills to a wide variety of contexts.
  • 提出好问题的能力 – Recognizing that all knowledge is really the answer to questions, and that truly understanding something means understanding the questions that are asked, and being able to refine those questions to produce better knowledge.
  • 时间和资源管理技能 – The ability to work under pressure and maximize resources to produce a desired outcome.
  • 语言技能 – The ability to operate in more than one language.

What can you do with a Major in Classics and/or General Humanities?

  • 广告. Your study of human culture and society can prove very helpful when trying to figure out how people might react to a certain kind of ad–and your specific background, 是音乐吗, 哲学或其他领域, 能激发高度创造性思维吗.
  • 业务. 它强调写作, problem-solving and human 管理 skills 业务 is an area in which humanities majors are uniquely suited. 职位包括:行政助理, 管理员, 简报的编辑, 人事主管, 项目协调人, 研究员, 销售总监, 公共关系, 劳动关系, 仲裁员
  • 美术. Humanities study is a traditional preparation for careers in the 美术. 这些工作包括:教学, 艺术管理, 博物馆(总监, 馆藏馆长, 营运总监, Community arts programs including philanthropy or fund-raising; consultant, coordinator or buyer for commercial art; conservation, historic preservation; collecting, 评估, 评价, 艺术治疗, 音乐疗法.
  • 外国服务. Especially if you’ve majored in the study of a particular culture, your ability to understand the workings of human society are invaluable when trying to work in a foreign country.
  • 政府. You are well prepared for service to your country with a humanities major. 职位包括:行政助理, 管理员, 媒体顾问, 项目负责人, 分析师, 研究员, 美国联邦调查局, 美国中央情报局, 民权委员会, 消费者事务, 文化事务, Department of Education: Youth and Family Services, 国家.
  • 新闻. Good communicative skills and the ability to think analytically are the most important qualities for a journalist. Many top journalists have humanities and liberal arts backgrounds instead of journalism school degrees.
  • 法律. Humanities majors are the most common prerequisites for law school. It may seem to require a lot of rote memorization of court cases and laws, but by far the most crucial attribute for any lawyer is the ability to think critically and to relate current issues to past ones (历史 is a popular undergraduate degree for law students).
  • 医学. 医学 (if you have the necessary “premed” courses) and healthcare are careers that benefit from a humanities background. 除了这些, there is work in healthcare facilities: administration, 管理, 项目董事, 政府资助的机构, 健康广告公司, 制药公司, 住宅处理设施.
  • 公共管理. If you’ve studied how societies work, you’re probably qualified to help make them work.
  • 出版. This is a good choice for literature and communications majors, who must be able to recognize quality writing when they see it and champion it to publishers and the reading public.