red hawk statue on a sunny day


Know all the facts

在你考虑在新泽西州使用娱乐性大麻/大麻之前, 了解和理解有关其使用的事实和政策是很重要的. Just like with alcohol and other drugs, there are existing laws. 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学也有关于大麻使用的政策. 根据十大博彩推荐排名州立大学行为准则,违规行为将受到制裁.

If you choose to use

大麻及其活性成分(四氢大麻酚和CBD)以多种形式和强度存在,可以以不同的方式影响人们. 无论你是第一次使用还是经常使用,这里有一些事情需要考虑:

Keep it off campus

你不能在十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的任何地方使用或拥有任何形式的大麻. This includes no vaporizers, no edibles, and no smoking. This policy also supports the University smoke- and tobacco-free policy.

Be of age

只有年满21岁才能拥有和使用娱乐性大麻/大麻, but not on campus.

Know the limits


Don’t be on the move


Dealing is not allowed

意图或实际分销大麻/大麻/哈希什(以及其他毒品), is prohibited. 这包括任何形式的销售、交换或转让,无论货币交易如何.

Know the serving size

Double check the serving size for edible cannabis/marijuana products. A single serving should contain no more than 10 mg of THC. Remember, 可食用的食物可能需要两(2)个小时才开始生效,而需要四(4)个小时才能完全感受到效果.

Avoid mixing cannabis/marijuana with other controlled substances

两种或两种以上的物质一起使用会减缓呼吸并导致不良副作用. Play it safe by using one substance at a time.

Wait before engaging in activities that may put you at a higher risk


Reduce your frequency

减少使用大麻/大麻的频率已被证明可以降低依赖的风险, negative mental health symptoms and long-term health effects.


Still have questions?

试图理解大学的政策和州法律可能会令人困惑. 这里有一些资源和常见问题,可以帮助进一步说明如何负责任地使用大麻和遵守政策和法律.

Cannabis/marijuana FAQ

What happens when someone smokes cannabis/marijuana?

大麻对每个人的影响取决于许多因素, including the user’s previous experience with the drug, the strength of the strain, the user’s expectations, how the drug is consumed, and whether the person has been drinking or using other drugs. Effects of cannabis/marijuana can include:

  • Feelings of relaxation or feeling “high”
  • Increase in appetite and thirst
  • Feelings of anxiety and paranoia
  • Distorted perceptions
  • Trouble with thinking and problem solving
  • Loss of motor coordination
  • Problems with memory and learning
  • Disrupted sleep
  • Physical effects, such as increased heart rate and breathing problems


What is the active ingredient in cannabis/marijuana?

All forms of cannabis/marijuana are mind-altering. In other words, they change how the brain works. 大麻中的主要活性化学物质是THC (δ -9-四氢大麻酚). 大麻对使用者的影响取决于它的强度或效力, which is related to the amount of THC it contains.

How long does cannabis/marijuana stay in the user’s body?

大麻/大麻中的四氢大麻酚被各器官的脂肪组织迅速吸收. Generally, 在吸食大麻几天后,可以通过标准尿液测试检测到四氢大麻酚的痕迹. 在长期重度使用者中,有时可以在停止使用后数周内检测到微量.

What are the long-term effects of cannabis/marijuana use?

研究结果表明,经常使用大麻/大麻或四氢大麻酚可能在某些癌症中起作用. 研究表明,每天抽五根烟的人摄入的致癌化学物质可能与每天抽一整包烟的人一样多.

吸食大麻也会导致呼吸系统和免疫系统出现问题. 吸食大麻的人经常会出现与吸烟者相同的呼吸问题, including coughing and wheezing. 他们也更容易患胸部感冒,患肺部感染的风险也更大.

What does cannabis/marijuana do to the brain?

一些研究表明,当人们吸食大量大麻/大麻多年, the drug takes its toll on mental functions. 大量或每天使用大麻会影响大脑中控制记忆的部分, attention, and learning. 学习和执行需要一两个步骤以上的任务需要短期记忆.

How does cannabis/marijuana affect driving?

大麻会损害安全驾驶所需的技能:警觉性, concentration, coordination, and reaction time. 吸食大麻会使人难以判断距离,对道路上的信号和声音做出反应. Data have also shown that while smoking cannabis/marijuana, 在标准的“醉驾”测试中,人们表现出的协调性不足与那些喝得太多的人一样.

Can people become dependent to cannabis/marijuana?

Yes, 长期使用大麻会导致一些人对其产生依赖, 意思是他们无法控制自己寻找和使用大麻的冲动, even though it negatively affects their family relationships, school performance, and recreational activities. 此外,一些频繁、重度吸食大麻的人对其影响产生了“耐受性”. 这意味着他们需要越来越多的量来获得同样的预期效果,因为他们过去只需要少量的量.

What if someone wants to stop using cannabis/marijuana?

In 2002, over 280,000名进入戒毒治疗项目的人报告大麻/大麻是他们主要滥用的药物. However, up until a few years ago, 很难找到专门针对大麻/大麻使用者的治疗方案. 现在研究人员正在测试不同的方法来帮助大麻使用者戒除吸毒. 目前没有治疗大麻/大麻成瘾的药物. Treatment programs focus on counseling and group support systems.
