


The 大学 is committed to ensuring that people with disabilities have an opportunity equal to that of their non-disabled peers to participate in the 大学’s 项目, 福利及服务.

支持这一承诺, a policy has been drafted to describe our respective responsibilities as they apply to all manner of digital content, 无论是网页, 文档, 系统, 教学材料, 等., that are generally available to 大学 employees, 学生, applicants or the general public.  一般公众的例子包括学生的父母或监护人.

这些项目的时间将与政策分开规定, 然而, 需要解决的问题在策略中定义.


  • 所有的电子内容,一般提供给大学员工, 学生, applicants or the general public must be available to those with disabilities such that they are able to experience a similar experience or outcome.
  • 新内容应该以易于访问的方式开发
  • It is the 大学’s responsibility to monitor that 项目, 福利及服务 are accessible.
  • 对于那些不可能拥有相同体验的物品, appropriate accommodations must be made so that the same outcomes are available to those with disabilities.
  • Training is to be made available and recorded on an annual basis for all employees who add, 编辑, 3 .删除或获取数字内容rd 方软件.
  • 在存在不适当负担的情况下可以例外, provided the President or delegated authority has clearly defined the burden and how equally effective access can be provided.
  • 其他例外情况包括:
    • 从根本上对项目产生重大影响的修改, 非残疾人提供的服务和活动
    • 3rd party products outside of the 大学’s control where no alternative exists and are outside of contractual agreements.
    • 3rd party items that do not deliver services, 项目 or activities for the 大学.
    • 1月1日前生产的产品, 2012, 这些项目仅供参考, 研究或记录保存, that will not be altered or updated after the date of archiving and clearly identified and stored as archived.
    • 大学员工不能广泛接触的项目, 学生, 申请人或一般公众在提供同等有效的访问.
  • 异常请求应发送给IT副总裁.


All purchases made by faculty and staff must be in accordance with the 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 procurement policy.  The Standard Contract Terms and Conditions makes provisions for the American with Disabilities Act and specifically the accessibility of digital content. 根据这些合同条款, applications and services are required to meet the 网页内容易读性指引 2.0 AA级(“无障碍基准”). All contractors wishing to provide applications or services to 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 must ensure that content and functionality provided meet the Benchmarks for Accessibility or that an equally effective alternate access can be provided that would ensure, 尽最大可能, individuals with disabilities receive the same 福利及服务 as their non-disabled peers.  第1节概述了这些要求.4 of the most recent version of the 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 contract terms and conditions which has been provided below for your reference.

代替自愿性产品评估模板(i.e., VPAT), the vendor or 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 in the case of internally developed applications should 文档 accessibility compliance via an 可访问性声明 基于 网页内容易读性指引 (i.e.(2).0). The VPAT is a 文档 prepared by an accessibility firm on behalf of a vendor or service provider.  然而, for internally developed applications or smaller vendors that perform development activities for 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学, VPAT可能不实用.




有关十大博彩推荐排名州立大学采购政策的更多信息, 请参阅“政策及程序”一节 采购网站 或者拨打973-655-4145与他们联系.


An appropriate academic adjustment is an accommodation necessary to ensure complete access to and full participation in the educational process for 学生 with disabilities. An institution must make reasonable accommodations in order to provide the student with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in the institution’s courses, 项目, 和活动. 这并不包括个人护理等服务, 特别学术建议, 研讨会, 支持小组或辅导. 以便根据残疾情况安排学术住宿, 学生必须遵循后续程序.

  • Self-Disclosure : It is the student’s responsibility to initiate contact with the office of Disability Resource Center and to request accommodations and services in a timely manner.
  • Documentation : The student must present comprehensive 文档ation of a disability from a physician, 心理学家, 和/或针对残疾的学习专家. Documentation must provide a diagnosis and explanation for how the condition may manifest itself in an academic setting. 在适当情况下,应提供经验数据. 学术住宿的建议可能包括在文件中. 每种残疾情况都有具体的指导方针. It is the student’s obligation to provide 文档ation of a disability in order to establish eligibility for support services and any reasonable and appropriate accommodations.
  • Meet your Counselor : The student must make an appointment with his or her assigned DRC counselor. 在一起, 文件将被仔细审查, 需要会被评估, 并将决定适当的安排. 以便获得残疾资源中心的批准, the accommodations requested must match the academic needs described in the 文档ation. 住宿不能改变课程的基本性质.
  • Notify Faculty : The assigned counselor will prepare accommodation request forms for all instructors. The student must sign a release form in order for the presence of a disability to be disclosed to faculty. It is the student’s responsibility to present the accommodation request form to his/her instructors and negotiate the best way for accommodations to be provided. Students must pick up accommodation forms from DRC at the beginning of each semester.
  • Follow Through : As courses change and the student’s understanding of his/her learning process increases, 住宿可能需要调整. 因此, 学生 should keep in touch with their assigned counselors to share successes and brainstorm ways to improve their academic performance.

For more information on the 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 学术住宿程序, 请联系Meghan Hearns, 导演, 残疾人士资源中心 hearnsm@rockmark.net.