Membership Information

Montclair State University EMS is a volunteer emergency response team comprised of full-time students. We are always looking for certified EMTs and we also accept a limited number of non-certified students. If accepted, students who successfully complete our in-house EMS training may be eligible to receive a New Jersey EMT Training Fund Voucher to attend a state-approved EMT training program at no cost during a summer semester (see FAQ section for more info). Students who are sponsored to attend an EMT training program must commit to one full calendar year of volunteer service with our department after obtaining EMT certification.

Montclair State University EMS Application (PDF)

Applicants who meet the minimum qualifications will be contacted by our Membership Committee for an interview. Positions are available on an as-needed basis.

Required Qualifications

  • Full-time student with a minimum GPA of 2.75.
  • Professionalism and strong communication skills.
  • A valid healthcare-provider CPR card (we provide training).
  • A clean criminal background check and driving history.
  • Must agree to complete our training requirements within established timeframe.
  • Must be able to work as a member of a team in stressful situations.

Preferred Qualifications

  • The abilility to volunteer a minimum of 12 hours per week,
  • EMT Certification with previous EMS experience.

Resident EMT Program

Each academic year, Montclair State EMS maintains a core cadre of 12 resident EMTs who are responsible for covering overnight shifts (11 p.m. – 8 a.m.), weekend shifts, and weekday shifts. Resident EMTs also maintain additional responsibilities within the department. In exchange for their dedication and time, Resident EMTs receive free housing in one of three designated EMT apartments in The Village. Members must apply and interview for the Resident EMT program. Resident positions are considered for current Montclair State EMS members who have completed the required number of hours and are in good academic standing. Please see the Resident EMT page for more info.