


Location: 大学 Hall, Rm 1010 (unless otherwise noted)

由美国电影艺术学院联合主办 & 科学
协调员:Roberta Friedman 973-655-7282; film@rockmark.net

十大博彩推荐排名电影论坛,由 电影制作计划 in the 传播与媒体学院 of the 艺术学院, is a weekly program at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 featuring contemporary filmmakers who come to speak about their work 和 profession. 向大学学生及公众开放, audience members are invited to ask questions 和 hear personalized inside-stories from some of the most innovative filmmakers working in the field today.



September 17, 2013 – Sam Pollard – Film 和 Television Editor

Sam Pollard is a film 和 television editor, as well as a documentary producer. 他的作品跨度超过30年,包括 如果上帝愿意,大河不涨,斯派克·李导演的续集 当堤坝决堤时. 他还执导了 奴隶制的另一个名字. As an editor, Pollard has worked on other Spike Lee features, including 计时员, 女孩6, 愚弄. As a documentary filmmaker, Pollard just completed the feature-length documentary 维纳斯和塞雷娜,这部电影将在这次活动中放映.

Please note change in venue for this event, which, now, is scheduled to take place in Calcia 135.

2013年9月24日——马克·曼 导演、编剧兼制片人

马克·曼是一位导演、作家和制片人. 他最新的剧本也是他导演的, 一代嗯…由获奖演员基努·里维斯主演. 他生产了 巴当 (2011)和短片 Sangam (2004). 他目前正在编辑的项目, 错误的信仰 目前在后期制作中吗.

October 1, 2013 – Michael Pressman – Director 和 Producer of Film 和 Television

Michael Pressman is a director 和 producer of film 和 television. He is the director of over ten feature length films, including 致37岁的吉莉安th 生日忍者神龟2:软泥的秘密. A member of the DGA, Michael has also directed episodes for the television series 蓝色的血液, 法律与秩序, 杂草, 实习医生格蕾.

October 8, 2013 – Georde Gittoes – Artist 和 Filmmaker

George Gittoes is an Australian artist 和 filmmaker who primarily creates works in geographical regions of conflict. He is known around the world for documenting the effects of war through film 和 visual art. 他的最新电影, 爱城贾拉拉巴德, documents his journey of using art as a cue for social change in the Taliban-controlled region.

October 15, 2013 – Liza Béar – Experimental Filmmaker 和 Writer

Liza Béar is a New York-based writer, filmmaker 和 pioneer in alternate media. 她的实验电影 爱德华·奈菲克:一部外国电影,Earthglow 这个特征 情势之力 都在现代艺术博物馆展出过吗, 他者先锋派的节日, 圣保罗双年展, 爱丁堡国际电影节和ICA, 伦敦. 她是观念艺术杂志的联合创始人 雪崩艺术家的电视节目 通讯更新 他是 超越框架:与世界电影人的对话 普雷格(2007).

October 22, 2013 – Tom Donahue – Editor 和 Documentary Director

Tom Donahue is an editor 和 documentary director with a body of work that contains the This American Life television show, 基莫拉:生活在 工厂巷, Gotti的成长, 真实的性. 他的最新纪录片, 铸造的, featured on HBO, tells the story of Hollywood casting directors.


乔纳·格林是两部故事片的导演, 不公开其他 人, 他也参与了写作. As a video producer 和 editor he has worked at New York Magazine 和 the Huffington Post. Most recently he co-produced a series of readings of notable IMs 和 Gchats called IM读数.

2013年11月5日 伊恩·奥尔兹——电影导演

Ian Olds is a director of both narrative 和 documentary films. 他导演的 Fixer:绑架Ajmal Naqshb和i, a feature-length documentary that follows the relationship between an Afghan interpreter 和 his client, 美国记者克里斯tian Parenti. The film won Best New Documentary Filmmaker at the Tribeca Film Festival, 马德里文献展评审团一等奖, 以及佩萨罗电影节评审团特别奖.


林恩·萨克斯是一位制作电影的电影制作人, 视频, installations 和 web projects that explore the intricate relationship between personal observations 和 broader historical experiences by weaving together poetry, 拼贴画, 绘画, 政治和分层声音设计. 自1994年以来, 她的五部散文电影把她带到了越南, 波斯尼亚, Israel 和 Germany — sites affected by international war–where she tries to work in the space between a community’s collective memory 和 her own subjective perceptions.

November 19, 2013 – David Picker – Motion Picture Executive 和 Producer

大卫·皮克是一名电影执行和制片人, 在电影行业工作了四十多年. He has served as President 和 Chief Executive Officer for United Artists, 派拉蒙, 洛里玛和哥伦比亚电影公司. 他目前是一名独立制片人. Picker has been a member of the Writers Guild of America East, 现在是美国制片人协会的成员, 他是 Chairman Emeritus of the Producers Guild of America East.

2013年11月26日——Arthur Vincie——编剧、导演

Come see a free screening of the lo-fi sci-fi feature film “Found In Time,”featuring the work of THREE MSU teachers – writer/director Arthur Vincie, 丹尼尔·洛温塔尔编辑, 以及电影摄影师本·沃尔夫.

“Found In Time” takes place in an alternate present-day NYC, where psychics with real powers sell their powers on the street. 我们的英雄, 克里斯, is a collector – he compulsively picks up objects off the street that most of us would throw away. But everything he finds today will have a use for someone in the future. His gift comes with a big side effect – he lives his life out of order, 体验过去, 未来和现在就像一块拼图. 当他在未来犯下谋杀罪时, he realizes he has to change his present to prevent the murder from happening… But how can he do that if he’s not even sure *时* 他是?

December 3, 2013 – Ken Bowser – Documentary, Film 和 Television Director

Ken Bowser is a director of documentaries, feature films 和 episodic television. He specializes in crafting stories about American culture 和 figures. 他的工作包括 菲尔·奥克斯:《没有财富, Easy Riders, Raging Bulls: How The Sex, Drugs, Rock ‘N’ Roll Generation Saved Hollywood艾美奖提名的两小时网络特别节目 Live From New York, The First Five Years of Saturday Night Live庆祝《周六夜现场》30周年.


Jason Moore is an actor 和 director who has worked as a commercial director for clients such as McDonalds 和 match.com. 他的毕业论文电影, 天堂,内布拉斯加州, was a festival hit 和 has been featured on Showtime 和 the Sundance Channel. His work as a director has also been featured on channels such as Animal Planet, E!、探索频道和时尚网.