Rocky at the State House

State Relations

The government of the State of New Jersey, like that of the United States, is divided into three branches: the legislative, the executive and the judicial. 立法机关的主要职能是制定法律. The Executive branch, comprised of the Governor, Lieutenant Governor and State agencies, carries out the programs established by law. 包括所有法院在内的司法机构惩罚违法者并解决争议和纠纷. 最高法院是法律意义和合宪性的最终权威.

State Legislative Process

NJ Executive Branch

Governor Philip Murphy

Philip Dunton Murphy is an American financier, 外交官和政治家,现任新泽西州第56任州长. 墨菲在2009年至2013年期间担任美国驻德国大使,在此期间他处理了美国外交电报泄露事件的后果. 2000年代中后期,他在霍华德·迪恩(Howard Dean)领导下担任民主党全国委员会(Democratic National Committee)财务主席. 在此之前,墨菲在高盛(Goldman Sachs)工作了23年.

Lieutenant Governor Sheila Oliver

Sheila Y. Oliver 自2018年以来担任新泽西州第二任副州长. Oliver曾于2004年至2018年在新泽西州议会任职, 在那里,她代表了第34个立法区,同时还担任了两届新泽西州议会议长, from January 12, 2010, to January 14, 2014, as a member of the Democratic Party.

Secretary of Higher Education Brian Bridges, Ph.D.

Brian Bridges, Ph.D. 目前担任新泽西州高等教育部长, 他在哪里负责国家高等教育活动的政策制定和协调.

NJ Legislative Branch

Senate President Nicholas P. Scutari

Nicholas P. Scutari serves as the President of the New Jersey Senate. 自2004年以来,他一直在新泽西州参议院任职, where he represents the 22nd Legislative District. On January 11, 2022, 斯库塔里当选为新泽西州参议院第115任议长, replacing former Senator Stephen Sweeney.

Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin

Craig J. Coughlin 自2010年以来一直在新泽西州议会任职, where he represents the 19th Legislative District. 自2018年以来,他一直担任新泽西州议会议长.


第40区:(该区包括霍克十字区、Machuga区、Sinatra区、The Village区及Blanton区)

Senator Kristin M. Corrado (R) (Deputy Whip)

NJ Judicial Branch

  • NJ Courts: Covers all NJ courts, including legal forms, child support resources, finding an attorney, court opinions and other information.
  • NJ Digital Legal Library
  • NJ Attorney Index查找已获准在新泽西州执业的律师. Information about attorneys, such as date of admission, status to practice law in New Jersey, 以及县、市执业律师业务办公室
  • Boards, Commissions, Authorities
    • Board of Public Utilities > Regulatory authority with a statutory mandate to ensure safe, 以合理的价格为新泽西州的客户提供充足和适当的公用事业服务.
    • Civil Service Commission > The Commission is an independent body that hears and rules on appeals filed by State, county and municipal civil service employees, candidates for employment and appointing authorities.
    • Economic Development Authority > The EDA can assist businesses with access to capital, including tax-exempt and taxable bond financing, loans, loan guarantees, and business and tax incentives.
    • Election Law Enforcement Commission > Dedicated to administering “The New Jersey Campaign Contributions and Expenditures Reporting Act,” “The Gubernatorial, Legislative Disclosure Statement Act,《十大博彩推荐排名》,以及《十大博彩推荐排名》的各个部分.”
    • Interstate Environmental Commission > Established in 1936, 该委员会是纽约一个由三州组成的水和空气污染控制机构, New Jersey, and Connecticut. 使命是通过合作保护和提高环境质量, 三州地区政府官员与公民之间的监管与沟通.
    • New Jersey Apportionment Commission > Charged with redrawing the lines of the State’s 40 legislative districts, 40名参议员和80名大会成员将从中选出.
    • NJ Higher Education > Serves as the principal advocate for an integrated system of higher education which provides a broad scope of higher education programs and services. 该系统包括31所公立院校和35所独立院校,共有440多名学生,在全州范围内招收了1万名全日制和非全日制学分学生.
    • NJ Transit > Public transportation corporation covering NJ, New York and Philadelphia.
    • Port Authority of New York and New Jersey > A bi-state authority, 成立于1921年,运营着大部分的区域交通和基础设施, including the bridges, tunnels, airports and seaports within the Port of New York and New Jersey.
    • State Commission of Investigation > Maintains a constant vigil against the intrusion of organized crime into society; to identify and expose corruption and governmental laxity; to shed light on waste, fraud and abuse of taxpayers’ dollars; and to recommend new laws and other remedies to protect the integrity of the governmental process on behalf of the citizens of New Jersey.
    • State Ethics Commission > Created in 1973 to administer and enforce the New Jersey Conflicts of Interest Law; it also administers and enforces several sections of the Casino Control Act.
    • Turnpike Authority > Locate the Authority’s annual reports, accident reports, among other topics of interest.  Includes Garden State Parkway.
    • Victims of Crime Compensation Board > Provides compensation to innocent victims of violent crime for some expenses they suffer as a result of the crime.
  • County and Local Government Leadership