Human Resources Management (Certificate) at Montclair State University

Human Resources Management (Certificate) Online

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Human Resources Management (Certificate) Online

人力资源管理证书课程由十大博彩推荐排名州立大学提供的一系列课程组成,最终为成功的参与者提供非学位专业证书. 课程内容涵盖人力资源管理(HRM)的主要主题,主要针对具有本科学位的在职专业人士或研究生. 该课程旨在为有兴趣在人力资源管理领域发展的专业人士和学生提供关键的知识和技能. 该课程将使人力资源经理在制定和实现组织目标的过程中成为全面的商业伙伴. The program focuses on the areas of strategic planning, talent selection, employee development and global workforce management.

Please refer to our programs of study 该页面提供了大学内所有研究生课程的综合列表.

Admission Requirements

The Office of Graduate Admissions requires the equivalent of a U.S. 学士学位,才有资格申请研究生课程. Applicants with non-U.S. degrees, please visit the International Applicants to review the U.S. degree equivalency information.

Application Checklist

created an application checklist. This checklist can be a reference point for you during the
program of interest.

  • Application Deadline: Rolling Admission.
  • 提交在线申请:请创建您的在线帐户并按照以下方式提交您的申请 general application instructions. Once this step has been completed, 在线门户网站将允许你上传你的补充材料.


  • Transcript: One from each college attended.
  • 短文/个人陈述:请写一篇综合的短文,对以下每个问题作出回应.
    • What are your goals for graduate study and your future career?
    • 你的学术背景和职业经历在哪些方面证明了你在你选择的课程和你最终的职业生涯中有成功的潜力?
    • 请给出相关课程和/或经历的具体例子.
    • 在评估你的候选资格时,我们还需要考虑其他什么信息吗?
  • Resume: Required.
  • Applicants with non-U.S. degrees, please visit the International Applicants page to review the US degree equivalency information.

The academic program for this certificate comprises six (1.5学分)研究生水平课程共9学分,完全在线. The duration of each course is 8 weeks.

To view the curriculum for this program please visit 大学目录中列出的人力资源管理课程.

MGMT562 Organizational Behavior (1.5 credits)

本课程为学生提供了在管理背景下组织行为的理解. This course examines organizational systems and structure, leadership, power and influence, teambuilding, organizational conflict, systems of communication, motivation, interpersonal dynamics and values, and organizational change and renewal. 本课程探讨现代力量在组织环境中的作用,如工作场所多样性和经济全球化.

MGMT570 Strategic Human Resource Management 

本课程的目的是让学生全面了解企业如何使用和管理人力资源作为竞争优势的来源. 学生对战略制定和实施中固有的概念和过程有了更深的理解, the alignment of HR and business strategies, the role of workforce attributes and HR systems in these decisions, 人力资源从行政职能向战略职能的转变.

MGMT583 Managing Global Workforce (1.5 credits)

本课程提供了在跨文化和跨国背景下管理人力资源的概述. 本课程的目的是让学生接触到最佳实践,以便未来的管理者能够在日益多样化和全球化的商业环境中有效地管理员工.

MGMT584 Talent Management (1.5 credits)

本课程将全面介绍如何制定有效的人才管理策略. Topics include workforce analysis, talent acquisition, onboarding, performance management, leadership development, succession planning, retention, and engagement.

MGMT585 Human Resource Analytics (1.5 credits)

HR analytics involves systematic collection, analysis, 以及对数据的解释,以改善组织中有效管理人力资源的决策. 本课程从战略角度探讨组织对人力资源数据及其测量系统的使用. 该课程帮助学生识别符合公司使命和目标的人力资源指标. 它解释了高质量数据的特征,并使学生能够发现和收集这些数据, inside or outside the organization. 学生还将学习有效的数据分析和解释技术以及管理基于数据的人力资源管理系统的策略.

MGMT586 Contemporary Topics in Human Resource Management (1.5 credits)

本课程涵盖人力资源管理中的法律主题以及可能与人力资源管理专业人员相关的新兴主题. 本课程提供了影响美国人力资源管理实践的重要法律法规的调查.S. Topics include an overview of relevant employment regulations; wage and hourly benefits; EEO and Affirmative Action; and labor/employee relations and safety laws, rules, and regulations. 管理法律和监管责任的所有阶段都包括在内——从招聘到终止. 指导说明了平衡员工和管理层的权利和责任的挑战.


如果您对申请流程和要求有任何一般性问题, please email or call us:

Office of Graduate Admissions
Telephone: 973-655-5147
Fax: 973-655-7869

If you have specific inquiries regarding your program of interest, 请联系人力资源管理(证书)在线顾问或项目协调员:

Program Coordinator: Lisa Brooks Greaux
School of Business

Phone: 973-655-4269

*During the summer months, 将会有一个轮流的系主任来回答你的问题. Click to find the updated summer chair for this program.*