


成为同伴健康倡导者, 查找带有在线申请链接的全校电子邮件. 在提交完整的申请后不久, eligible students will receive an email to participate in a group interview with other promising applicants and members of the Health Promotion team. 如果你被选中, you must attend a mandatory training to learn the necessary skills for becoming an effective health resource for students.


我们每年接受一次申请. We begin accepting Peer Health Advocate volunteer applications in the summer for the following academic year.


No, 如果你被选为同伴健康倡导者, 你不需要重新申请,只要你有良好的信誉.

I am studying abroad next semester; can I still be a Peer Health Advocate?

Yes, but we do factor that into our choice, so let us know on your application.


Absolutely not! 我们欢迎所有专业的学生!


Unfortunately, we cannot accept everyone who applies – there are just too many great candidates! 但是,如果你没有被选中,我们鼓励你明年再试一次.

I’m a graduate student; can I apply to be a volunteer?

当然,所有年级和专业都欢迎申请. 研究生的职责与本科生相同.


我们寻找能自我激励、有创造力的学生, outgoing, enthusiastic, 他们致力于健康的生活方式.



训练在周末进行. 你将学会如何成为一个有效的倾听者, 如何创建程序, teamwork skills, 推荐技巧和营销策略. You will also get a taste of some of the workshops we present to students. 校园合作伙伴,如CAPS, University Police and the University Health Center will provide important information on how to assist students who may be in crisis. 你们还将会见并听取当前同伴健康倡导者的意见. By the end of training, you will be ready for all sorts of “drop-in” scenarios.

如果我不得不错过训练怎么办? Can I make it up?

对不起,培训没有化妆品. If you apply to be a Peer Health Advocate you will know the training dates in advance and you must attend it. 如果你不能参加今年的培训, 或者错过培训的任何部分, 你将被要求明年申请.



The main task of a Peer Health Advocate is to staff the Health Promotion’s Drop In Center and interact with students as they come in for health-related information, 推荐或更安全的性用品. Peer Health Advocates also create and implement health education programs to present to students on a wide range of health topics related to college life, 包括营养, stress, sleep, 酒精和其他药物, 性健康及其他! 同伴健康倡导者不是咨询师.


No. Peer Health Advocates use strategies like active listening and motivational interviewing when interacting with students, 但我们不是顾问. We are here to be a listening ear and refer students if necessary to services on and off campus.


你想要多少就多少. 有很多公开演讲的机会, Peer Health Advocates facilitate workshops and do outreach activities with students around campus.


不,同伴健康倡导者是志愿者. 志愿者的经历在履历上看起来很棒, 我们的大多数学生员工都是从同伴健康倡导者开始的.


每周至少2-4小时. 你可以把时间分散到一周的各个时段.


You will set your own volunteer schedule at the beginning of each semester. 这取决于你是否选择促进事件, 拓展或项目或坚持你的正常工作时间!


Not usually. We have a few programs that run on nights or weekends throughout the year, 但大部分时间你会在 正常营业时间.



  • 我第一次去十大博彩推荐排名的时候, 我偷看了一下中途停留中心的健康促进中心的窗户. 我想知道那间小屋是怎么回事, and I’m so, 很高兴我能满足他的好奇心! Becoming a Peer Health Advocate and then a Health Promotion Assistant paved the way to new friendships, 公开演讲练习和对健康宣传更感兴趣. 我真的很喜欢和同事一起工作,帮助同事. 我希望我的下一次冒险也能有同样的收获. – Kathleen Gaffney
  • Health Promotion was the single best thing to happen during my college career… It was the one place on campus I always wanted to stop in and be. The information and skills I learned at Health Promotion I will use for the rest of my life. It will be a huge change not coming to the Drop In Center after I graduate but the memories and friends I have made there will always stay with me. – Stephanie Barone
  • I would just like to say how grateful I am for the experience I gained working at Health Promotion. 我学到了很多关于营销方面的活动策划, organizing, 与校园伙伴联系,为活动提供赞助/合作伙伴. 我在惠普和惠普的每一个人都度过了一段美好的时光. – Rafia Siddiq
  • 当我递交申请的时候, 我真的不知道接待中心是什么, and I didn’t really get a good idea of it until halfway through my interview. Yet somehow becoming a Peer Health Advocate was one of my favorite experiences at Montclair State – and my affection for it is still growing! 作为同伴健康倡导者, I have found myself pushing carts of huge mirrors through the Student Center during the Mirror Project (and accidentally breaking some of those mirrors), collecting pine cones outside of Schmidt Hall for a holiday craft workshop, 在我们的身体接受周时装秀上指导模特. I think it’s safe to say being a Peer Health Advocate is a one of a kind experience! The Drop-In Center serves as an excellent platform for students who are interested in health-related issues to explore their passions in a safe, friendly, and creative environment (and the same goes for students who are passionate about making buttons!). 我花了几乎一整年的时间来开发一个皮肤护理车间, and when the day finally came to implement it was way more rewarding than any last day of final exams could ever be! The Peer Health Advocate experience is what you make of it – whether you master the art of operating moody office equipment, 示范使用避孕套, or hanging bathroom posters with one hand –big things can come from small cottages! – Frankie R.
  • 做一个通勤研究生,上夜校, 我没想过自己会参与校园活动. That was until I saw the application to be a Graduate Assistant for Health Promotion and saw an opportunity to not only gain experience in the field of health education/public health but also saw it as an opportunity to get to know the university. It was truly great being able to interact with students and the campus community. In addition, I built some great friendships during my time at Health Promotion that have lasted outside the walls of the Drop-In Center. 我也会说我的公共演讲技巧确实提高了. 一旦你对一群大学生谈论安全性行为, you realize you can comfortably talk about anything in front of groups of people! – Allisyn V.
  • I applied to be a Peer Health Advocate the summer before my freshman year hoping that if I got in I would make friends, 教人们如何健康生活. Luckily for me I got the chance to be a Peer Health Advocate and make those two hopes come true! Being a Peer Health Advocate has also given me many different opportunities to be a part of projects and events that I’m interested in, 策划我自己成功的宠物治疗活动, “毛茸茸的朋友为决赛”! I’ve loved every hour I’ve spent with the Health Promotion crew and I can’t wait to spend many more in the little cottage on campus. – Cassidy C.