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News and Events

Important Information Technology Updates

Posted in: Desktop Software, Enterprise Software, Google Apps, Information Security, IT Services

Changes to your Montclair AppleID (your action is required)

If you are using an Apple ID with your rockmark.net email address, you will need to change your credentials. For more information, click here.

Anti Virus software migration (no action required)

As a reminder to all Mac Users, the Sophos antivirus software will be replaced with Defender AV on all University-owned Macs on Tuesday, September 12.   All Windows Users have already been migrated.  For more information, click here.

Changes to Google storage limits (please review carefully)

Due to a change in their policy, Google is no longer offering us “free and unlimited” cloud storage.  The impact on users is expected to be minimal, but please refer to this link for more information and what to expect if your Google account (Gmail, Google Drive, Google Calendar, etc.) is affected.

Thank you for your attention to these important changes.