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埃里克·惠特克在卡利沉浸式驻留期间,指挥了900多名音乐家在亚历山大·卡塞尔剧院演出他的音乐. (帕拉默斯高中丹尼斯·达利奥为卡利音乐学院拍摄)

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的卡利沉浸式住院医师项目在格莱美获奖作曲家的带领下达到了高潮, 指挥兼演讲者埃里克·惠特克领导了一个深入人心的讲座项目, interviews on his music, master classes with students, workshops and performances of his music with John J. 卡利音乐学校的合唱团和500名高中唱诗班.

惠塔克因其杰出的合唱作品和对技术的创新运用而广为人知. 他丰富而感性的音乐是三天驻留的核心, including master classes and workshops, 为传媒学院的一部迷你纪录片做采访, rehearsals with choral and instrumental ensembles, and a high school choral workshop and concert. “这个实习项目有很多触角——这是一个大胆的项目,有无数的活动部分——而且它完全奏效了,音乐教授兼合唱活动总监Heather J. Buchanan. “It was a dream come true.”

举办春季实习是为了促进跨学科合作和社区参与, Buchanan says. 学校的各个部门都积极参与其中, such as Communications, Business, English and the Honors Program. As a highlight of the program, 布坎南和安东尼·马佐奇共同主持了一场名为“卡利对话”的公共活动, director of the Cali School.

Eric Whittacre and Heather J. Buchanan
埃里克·惠特克,作曲家,指挥家和希瑟J教授的演讲者. 布坎南(Buchanan)是他的加州沉浸式驻留项目的教员协调员和主持人. LaRosa for Montclair State University)

“与埃里克·惠特克的合作简直是非同寻常. He carries himself with such kindness, curiosity and humility,” says Christine Tanko ’24, a Music Education major. “我相信他给卡利社区带来了新的生命,这将持续很长时间.”

惠塔克30年的职业生涯包括70部作品,其中58部是合唱作品, 17 for orchestra, 13 for band, three for solo voice and one musical theater work. 除了原创作品,从2010年首张CD开始,他已经制作了16张唱片 Light and Gold that won the 2012 Grammy for Best Choral Performance. Several movements from his recent long-form work The Sacred Veil 这次驻留的重点是什么,以及他职业生涯中对曲目的探索.

一个合唱工作坊邀请了来自新泽西和纽约18所学校的500名高中合唱团成员到校园参加一个研讨会和合唱音乐会,其中包括十大博彩推荐排名的声乐协议, Chorale and University Singers. Proceeds from the sold-out concert went toward Pathways to Music 通过投资卡利基金为合格学生提供奖学金. 莱肖维茨演奏厅的四个座位是惠塔克常驻期间的专用座位.

“Eric is humble and brilliant. 他对自己的时间很慷慨,与我们的学生相处的方式也非常出色,” Buchanan says. “用一个词来概括这段居住经历:它是一种转变.”

A man conducts an orchestra
埃里克·惠特克指挥来自帕特森音乐项目和新泽西交响乐团青年乐团的学生表演 October in collaboration with the University Symphony Orchestra. (Photo by John J. LaRosa for Montclair State University)

惠塔克与所有卡利学校合唱团合作了他广泛的曲目-声乐协奏曲(室内合唱团), 合唱团(140人的交响合唱团)及大学歌手(选修合唱团), plus the Rose Quartet, Symphony Orchestra and Wind Symphony, as well student composers and Music Education majors. Two student composers, Ian Kearney, a junior majoring in Music Composition, and Dayla Spencer, a freshman Music major, were featured in the composer’s forum “Finding Your Voice.”

科尔尼说:“和埃里克·惠塔克一起工作是一次非常宝贵的经历. “能够听到他对成为一名专业作曲家意味着什么的见解,真是太棒了. As someone who writes choral music myself, 在作曲大师班和唱诗班和他一起工作是如此鼓舞人心.”

Whitacre is among today’s most popular musicians. 他的作品在世界范围内播放,他开创性的虚拟唱诗班已经联合了100人,来自世界各地的000名歌手通过技术的使用. At a Cali Midweek program on “Creativity, Connection and the Virtual Choir,惠塔克描述了这种艺术形式的不断演变,他收到了数千个歌手拍摄自己表演他各种作品的视频,并将其整合到一场演出中.

“We started hearing from people, 他们的故事讲述了他们是如何来到唱诗班的,以及唱诗班对他们有多重要, 通过参与其中,他们是如何真正感受到比自己更重要的事情的一部分, 我们觉得这很不寻常,因为这些人中很少有人见过面,也不会见过面,” Whitacre said.

“Almost overnight, our little experiment had become this global choir, this Earth choir and still singers were saying, when is the next one?” he said.

Adds Kearney, the student composer, “Whitacre’s music reaches so many people, 和他一起工作让我觉得音乐可以让一切成为可能.”

Photo Gallery

A man addresses an audience
500 high school choristers rehearsed and performed Sing Gently, The Seal Lullaby and Lux Aurumque under the composer’s direction. 电视制作专业的高年级学生在Stuart MacLelland教授的指导下录制了这场音乐会. (Photo by Rob Davidson Media for the Cali School of Music)
Eric Whitacre at the piano
第一个驻地活动是一个跨学科的创意大师班:金砖, 惠塔克描述了他寻找创作焦点的过程. (Photo by Rob Davidson Media for the Cali School of Music)
Singers stand in front of a projection of sheet music.
学生作曲家Ian Kearney收到Whitacre对其原创作品的反馈 Les Colombes. Members of Vocal Accord performed live during the workshop.  (Photo by Heather J. Buchanan for the Cali School of Music)
A chorus singer sings
University Singers Alto I, Alexa Tabbacchino ’24, who received a degree in Recording Arts and Production, captivated by Whitacre’s new work, The Sacred Veil. (帕拉默斯高中丹尼斯·达利奥为卡利音乐学院拍摄)
Singers make hand gestures during a song
Members of the University Singers perform BACH (Again) – Come Sweet Death, a contemporary interpretation of a Bach chorale, 音乐会节目中唯一的非惠塔克音乐,也是惠塔克独特的作品. “It’s the piece I wish I had written,” he said. (帕拉默斯高中丹尼斯·达利奥为卡利音乐学院拍摄)
A chorus on stage with a man conducting.
Whitacre conducts the Chorale’s performance of Cloudburst, a choral tone-poem featuring piano, percussion, 手铃和身体打击乐由学生独奏家奥马尔·阿卜杜拉演奏, baritone, Abigail Montesino, speaker, and Olivia Meyer, soprano. (Photo by Rob Davidson Media for the Cali School of Music)