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Academic Dishonesty

About This Policy

Last Updated
Policy Owner
Academic Affairs
Responsible Office
Academic Affairs

Minimum sanction: Probation; Maximum sanction: Expulsion.

学术不诚实是指学生企图提交1)由他人或实体完成的作业而没有适当的引用,或2)在完成作业时给予其他学生不适当的帮助, such as plagiarism. 任何学生不得有意或有意地在任何测试或考试中给予或接受帮助, or on any academic exercise, that requires independent work.  This includes, but is not limited to using technology (i.e., instant messaging, text messaging, (或使用照相手机)或任何其他未经授权的材料, 或未经教师明确许可,在考试或考试中给予或接受帮助. The following are examples of academic dishonesty:

  1. Copying from another student’s paper
  2. 在考试或考试中使用未经教师许可的材料
  3. 未经导师许可,在考试期间与他人合作
  4. Knowingly obtaining, using, buying, selling, transporting or soliciting, in whole or in part, the contents of a non-administered test or examination
  5. 强迫他人参加非参加的考试、考试的, or to obtain information about such an examination or test
  6. Substituting for another student, 不得允许他人代替自己参加考试或考试
  7. 更改考试答案,然后声称教师对考试或考试的评分不正确
  8. Submitting altered/falsified papers, documents, etc., in an attempt to earn a grade
  9. Collusion or purchased term papers:
    Collusion, 未经授权与他人合作准备工作的行为, is academically dishonest. 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学禁止准备出售和/或随后出售任何学期论文, thesis, dissertation, 论文或其他作业,并知道该作业将全部或部分提交学术学分.
  10. Plagiarism:
    剽窃的定义是使用他人或实体的文字或想法,就好像他们是你自己的, unintentionally or otherwise, 以及为了获得学术学分而在自己的作品中未经承认地使用这些词. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, submitting a copied, partially copied, or partially paraphrased work of another as one’s own project, paper, report, test, program, design, pictures, images, or speech (whether the source is printed, 在手稿形式或电子媒体中受版权保护,没有适当的引用. Source citations must be given for works quoted or paraphrased. The above rules of academic dishonesty apply to work that is graded, ungraded, group, individual, written, or oral.以下书面作业指南将帮助学生避免抄袭:

    1. 对背景资料和数据的一般负债必须通过包括所有作品的参考书目来确认;
    2. Specific indebtedness for a particular idea, 或者从另一篇文章中引用四个或更多连续的单词, 必须以脚注或尾注注明实际来源. 从文本中引用四个或更多单词也必须使用引号表示;
    3. 项目工作将被视为抄袭,如果它完全或部分重复, without citation, 另一个人的工作在一定程度上超出了一般人的接受范围. 不加引用的模仿的允许程度因学科而异. 学生在抄袭别人的作业前必须咨询他们的导师.
    4. Information taken from the Internet/websites must be cited, otherwise it will be defined as plagiarism.
    5. Information taken from generative AI, such as ChatGPT, must be cited, otherwise it will be defined as plagiarism. 某些学科的最佳实践可能是在其他地方找到相同的信息以获得完整的引用.
    6. Falsifying or inventing any information, data or citation.
    7. 未经授课老师许可,在一门以上的课程中提交相同或相似的论文.

Adjudication of Disciplinary Cases – Academic

学生因学术不诚实而受到纪律处分. 教师在解决学术不诚实投诉的过程中发挥着不可或缺的作用.


  1. 然后,教师应与系主任讨论情况.
  2. On a departmental level, one of the following may be chosen:
    1. 一个学生在实践中犯了错误,而不是在意图上犯了罪, or in the case that seems to warrant leniency, the faculty member, consulting with the chairperson, may do any of the following which they deem appropriate:
      1. Grade the work under question “zero” or “failing”
      2. 允许学生证明他/她可以通过自己诚实的努力完成任务.
    2. 对于一个明显的欺骗行为或者不需要宽大处理的罪行, the faculty member, after consulting with the chairperson, may do either or both of the following:
      1. Grade the work under question “zero” or “failing”
      2. Assign a grade of “F” for the course. (在任何课程期间,学生应有权留在班上,直到或除非被勒令停学或被学校停学.)
    3. In cases where an “F” grade is assigned for academic dishonesty, 院系应立即发送一份申请,要求在学生的记录上标注“F”的成绩. The request should be sent to
  3. 教职员工可以联系大学学生行为主管报告学术不诚实的情况. 学生的名字将被列入大学学术失信名单,学生将收到有关上述行为的正式电子书面通知. If a prior academic dishonesty record exists, the case will be referred to the Director for adjudication. If the student does not have any prior academic violation, then the current violation may be handled on the Departmental level. 院长或其指定人员将遵循非学术案件的裁决程序.On a conduct level, faculty members have the following options:
    1. 该学生的名字是否已被列入学术不诚实学生的官方名单. 被举报的学生将收到有关这一行为的通知和推荐的资源. No other formal conduct action taken.
    2. 是否将该学生的名字添加到学术不诚实学生的正式名单中,并将案件提交给大学学生行为主管进行裁决. The Faculty member may be called to testify in the conduct process.
    3. With either conduct option, 学院将把文件和/或详细报告的副本提交给大学学生行为主任,以备正式记录.

Policy updated on May 15, 2023, 澄清滥用生成式人工智能可能属于学术不诚实/剽窃.

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