



I. 表达活动政策.

这项政策适用于所有建筑物, 理由, 和其他由十大博彩推荐排名州立大学拥有或控制的空间. “表达活动”一词包括:

  1. Meetings and other group activities of 学生 and 学生组织;
  2. Speeches, performances, 示威活动, rallies, vigils, and other events by
    学生, 学生组织, and outside groups invited by 学生组织;
  3. Distributions of literature, such as leafleting and pamphleting; and
  4. 任何其他受美国宪法第一修正案保护的言论.S. 宪法.

II. 政策声明.

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 property is primarily dedicated to academic, 学生生活和行政职能. 但它也代表了“思想的市场”,,尤其是对学生来说, many areas of campus represent a public forum for speech and other Expressive Activities. 为学生和学生组织服务, 校园的户外区域是自由表达的场所, 包括演讲, 示威活动, 以及文学作品的分布.

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 shall not consider the content or viewpoint of the expression or the possible reaction to that expression in applying this policy. 学校不得对学生施加限制, 学生组织, or university employees on the basis of the content or viewpoint of their expression or the possible reaction to that expression. 如果其他人对学生的行为反应消极, 学生组织的, 或者大学职员的表达, the 大学 (including 大学 Police) shall take all necessary steps to ensure public safety while allowing the 富有表现力的活动 to continue.

No event or 富有表现力的活动 shall be permitted to violate or hinder the rights of others within the campus community. No event or 富有表现力的活动 shall prevent others from pursuing their work or studies or other campus activities, 也不能以任何方式威胁或恐吓他人.

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 does not assume any obligation or responsibility for the content of the materials distributed.

3. 规章制度.

A. 一般规则.

受此附加规则的约束, 学生 and 学生组织 shall be allowed to conduct Expressive Activities on 大学 property as long as such activity:

  1. Does not block access to campus buildings or obstruct or interfere with university-related or university-sponsored activities.
  2. 不会妨碍车辆或行人通行.
  3. 不构成非法活动.
  4. 不会对公共安全造成明显而现实的威胁.
  5. Does not take place in a location that has been reserved by another 学生组织 or 大学 group.
  6. Does not include physically attaching materials to 大学 property.
  7. 是否由非商业实体进行.
  8. 在大学开放的时间内举行.
  9. 印刷品的分发必须亲自完成.
  10. Individuals and/or groups engaged in 富有表现力的活动 are responsible for picking up any printed materials dropped on the ground around the areas of distribution or other litter resulting from the activity. The 大学 may charge such individuals and/or groups a reasonable clean up fee if they fail to do so.
  11. Individuals and/or groups engaging in 富有表现力的活动 agree to pay for any damages to 大学 property that is caused by their use of such property.
  12. No use of amplification devices in outdoor locations is permitted outside of the common hour on campus, 以避免干扰类. No amplification is permitted inside buildings at any time to avoid interference with offices, 课程和项目.

This policy shall not apply to any person or organizations desiring to sell merchandise or services on campus. Any person or organization desiring to sell merchandise or services on campus should contact the Office of Campus Business Services.

B. 户外的地方.

校园户外设施及区域, 学生, 学生组织, and their sponsored guests may freely engage in spontaneous Expressive Activities provided that such activities are in compliance with all other provisions of this policy.

C. 室内的位置.

校园室内设施及区域, 学生, 学生组织, and their sponsored guests may freely engage in spontaneous Expressive Activities subject to the following conditions:

  1. 分发:分发书面或印刷材料, 例如散发传单或小册子, and petitioning for signatures may only be conducted at one of the following locations: (a) 大学 Hall or (b) 学生 Center
  2. The Expressive Activities are in compliance with all other provisions of this policy.


  1. 如果学生, 学生组织, or university employees desire to reserve indoor or outdoor campus facilities, they shall submit their application for reservation to the Dean of 学生s four business days prior to the 学生 reservation date. 大学会回应
  2. External individuals or organizations may be sponsored by 大学 学生, 雇员或组织, 在这种情况下,必须由大学赞助商预订. In the event that a non-community member’s reservation conflicts with a 大学 community member’s application, 保留意见将按脚注1所列的优先次序提出.
  3. 预订请求将以先到先得的方式处理和批准, 先得先得, 与f中列出的优先级一致ootnote 1. 这些请求可能仅因以下原因而被拒绝. The requested venue is a facility that the university has designated as not available for 富有表现力的活动 under this policy;
    b. The requested venue is a facility and the request conflicts with restrictions enacted pursuant to this policy;
    c. 该场地已为另一项活动预留 1;
    d. The activity will attract a crowd larger than the venue can safely contain;
    e. 该活动对公共安全构成了明显而现实的威胁, 据该校警察局称, including the inability to schedule sufficient personnel/police within the necessary time frame;
    f. The activity will occur during college examination periods or during other major campus events, such as convocations; home-coming or heavily attended athletic competitions or performances; or
    g. 该活动是非法的.
  4. 在活动期间, 学生, 学生组织, or university employee requesting the reservation is responsible for preserving and maintaining the facility it reserved. 如果对这些设施造成任何损害, 个人或组织(及其官员, (如适用)应承担责任.

1 In the event that multiple individuals or organizations submit conflicting reservation requests, the following order of precedence shall govern: (1) official university sponsored or contracted activities and events; (2) recognized 学生组织 activities and events; (3) student
activities and events; and (4) all other activities and events.
