


教务主任或其指定人员(“院长”), may place a student on an Involuntary Withdrawal in accordance with this Policy. 只有在下列情况下才会进行这一过程:

  1. A student is offered and is unwilling to accept mental or physical health services that are necessary and appropriate;
  2. Reasonable accommodations cannot be made that would enable the student to remain enrolled and/or on campus;
  3. 自愿医疗退出或行政退出不可行或已向学生提出但被拒绝;
  4. 没有其他的选择.

当他人的安全是当务之急时, the Dean may refer the matter to the 学生 Conduct Officer to follow the procedures in Article VII.B.1 in the 学生 Code of Conduct to place the student upon interim suspension. 该学生将收到临时休学通知,并有机会根据《十大博彩推荐排名》对该决定提出异议. 当学生的安全是当务之急时, 院长可能会将此事提交给CARE团队寻求帮助.

如果学生违反学校政策或学生行为准则, 他/她也可能受到审查和采取行动. 因此, a student may be subject to the 大学’s disciplinary process at the same time the student is involuntarily withdrawn. 被发现违反大学学术政策或学生行为准则的非自愿退学的学生可能会因违反这些政策而受到大学的制裁.

A student may appeal a decision by the Dean to the Vice President for 学生 Development and Campus Life. 副校长将审查学生的申诉和所有必要的额外信息,并作出最终决定.


A. 确定非自愿撤离是否适当的程序

  1. 院长将收集必要的可信信息,以做出个性化和客观的评估,以确定学生是否正在从事或很有可能从事可能导致伤害或伤害学生的行为, 其他人或大学财产. 院长必须从各种来源收集这些信息, 包括但不限于, 给大学行政人员, 员工, and faculty from the student’s school who have personally interacted with the student; 大学 students or visitors who have personally interacted with the student; Counseling and Psychological Services (“帽”); the 学生 Health Center (“SHC”); the Disability Resource Center (“刚果民主共和国”); and 大学 Police. The information provided should be based upon personal observation contemporaneous in time to the assessment.
  2. 作为对学生进行个性化评估的一部分, the 大学 must consider information provided by qualified 大学 health care providers, 学生和学生的医疗保健和治疗提供者. 应以适合学生具体情况的方式考虑信息,以允许合格人员评估学生所带来的风险, 给予学生的医疗服务提供者应有的重视. The decision to place a student on Involuntary Withdrawal shall be reasonably linked to the medical information collected, 并考虑到学生对他/她自己和大学社区其他人造成伤害的风险,同时考虑到周围环境的背景和学生可能面临的任何危机. 对学生进行非自愿退学的决定应该基于对特定学生的合适程度,并且必须根据个人情况量身定制.
  3. The Dean will notify the student in writing that an Involuntary Withdrawal is being imposed. 在通知中,院长将向学生提供本政策的副本.
  4. 如果为了防止或减轻对他人健康或安全或大学财产的严重和迫在眉睫的威胁,根据本政策收集的信息可能会与以下部门共享:
    • 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学警察局(UPD)
    • 辅导及心理服务(帽)
    • 学生健康中心
    • 残疾人士资源中心
    • FERPA允许的其他专业人员
  5. 以下是所有可用的审查, 相关信息, 院长将作出决定, 学生将被书面告知决定. 如果强制强制退出, 学生将收到一封通知信, and terms and conditions that would permit the student to return to the 大学 will be included.

B. 上诉

而撤军将立即生效, a student who objects to the involuntary withdrawal may appeal the decision within three (3) consecutive days as follows:

  1. Notify the dean of their intent to appeal and the date they will submit documentation.
  2. 向院长提交医疗记录或报告, which will be reviewed by qualified personnel in Counseling and Psychological Services, 残疾资源中心和/或学生健康中心, 适当的.
  3. 为了评估学生提供的记录, the student may be asked to consent to a release of medical records and/or a release to permit qualified personnel in 帽, 刚果民主共和国, 和/或UHC与学生的相关医疗保健提供者交谈.
  4. The student also may be asked to attend a psychological and/or medical evaluation (at no cost to the student). This evaluation may be completed by qualified personnel in 帽 or UHC, 适当的. 帽, UHC and/or 刚果民主共和国 适当的 will issue a recommendation to the Dean concerning the need for Involuntary Withdrawal.
  5. A student may decline to consent to release medical information to the 大学; however, 在决定是否支持将学生置于非自愿退学的决定时,可能会考虑信息的不可获得性.

C. 上诉会议

如果对非自愿撤回的上诉被批准, the student will meet with the Vice President for 学生 Development and Campus Life to challenge the decision. 学生可以带一位他/她/他们选择的辩护人来参加这个会议. The meeting will be scheduled as soon as possible but no more than three (3) business days after the granting of the appeal. 反对意见可能包括但不限于:

  1. 院长所依赖的信息不可靠, 或者有新的信息可以证明调查结果的改变;
  2. 学生没有, 不是, and will not be substantially disruptive or a high risk of harm to the student or others;
  3. 学生患有残疾,并且可以根据学生的要求提供合理的住宿,以解决严重的干扰或伤害风险;
  4. The student’s individual circumstances do not warrant an Involuntary Withdrawal;
  5. Placing the student upon Involuntary Withdrawal heightens the risk of harm to the student.

负责学生发展和十大博彩推荐排名的副校长可能会逆转, 修改或确认将学生置于非自愿休学的决定. This final decision will be rendered within three business days following the meeting.

D. 非自愿退出的限制

  1. 学生的学生证必须交回教务处, and 大学 housing must be vacated within the period of time indicated on the notification letter.
  2. 院长可以在通知信中通知学生,除非有院长的书面许可,否则他/她不得参观校园或任何其他大学拥有的设施. 如果发生这种情况, 大学警察部门将被通知非自愿退学,并将采取适当措施处理学生的任何违规行为.
  3. 学校将撤销该生的相关课程. 取决于非自愿退出的日期, the student will receive either a W/D or classes will be dropped and not appear on the transcript. 取决于非自愿退出的日期和原因, 学生可能有资格获得全额或部分退款, 学杂费. 大学注册处处长, 学生账户, 居住生活, 非自愿退学的学生将会被通知,以便管理学生的账户和学习成绩.
  4. 如果学生持国际签证就读大学, the Dean will inform the Office of International Engagement of a student’s involuntary withdrawal. 被强制退学的国际学生必须向国际参与办公室咨询有关其签证状态的信息. The Office of International Engagement is located in the 学生 Center Annex, 207房间, 电话:973-655-6862.

E. 从非自愿撤退中恢复

  1. 被强制休学的学生在证明符合学校规定的条件后,将被允许注册课程并返回校园. Requirements and deadlines to meet the conditions to return to the 大学 will be specified in the Letter of Notification. 是否满足这些条件将视具体情况而定,并将适合于每个人和需要非自愿撤离的情况.
  2. 对学生对学校规定的条件的满意程度的评估应由院长与帽协商进行, UHC, 和刚果民主共和国, 适当的. 如果学生提供医疗记录或报告,以证明他/她满足返回学校所需的条件, the student may be asked to sign a written consent for release of 相关信息 to the 大学. Such records will be reviewed by qualified personnel in 帽 or UHC 适当的. 刚果民主共和国 also will be consulted to account for issues of reasonable accommodations requested by the student.
  3. If a student declines to release relevant medical information to the 大学, the Dean may be unable to assess the student’s satisfaction of conditions to permit the student to return to the 大学.
  4. 取决于与非自愿撤离有关的情况, 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学警察局可以向院长提供相关信息,以评估学生对返回大学的条件的满意度. Only findings relevant to the involuntary withdrawal and the student’s request for re-enrollment will be considered.
  5. The Dean shall determine if the conditions of the involuntary withdrawal have been satisfied, and the student shall be permitted to return to the 大学 with or without conditions. 如果院长提出条件, 学生可能会被要求签署一份行为合同,要求遵守治疗计划,并要求学生对治疗计划负责.
  6. The decision of the Dean to permit the student to return to the 大学 will be communicated to the student in writing. 根据需要, the Dean will notify appropriate 大学 offices and administrators regarding the decision, 及其相关条件.
  7. 在非自愿休学期结束后未申请重新入学的学生,可能被要求按照对所有其他学生的政策申请入学.
  8. 学生s who resided in 大学 housing prior to involuntary withdrawal are not guaranteed housing, which is subject to availability in accordance with 大学 housing policies.

F. 保密

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学将根据《十大博彩推荐排名》(FERPA)对所收集的有关学生和非自愿退学的所有信息保密。. 学生 education records may be disclosed by the 大学 in accordance with FERPA.
