




十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 recognizes and supports the First Amendment rights of 员工 to speak freely.

除了, the 大学 also recognizes its obligation under federal and state law to maintain a work environment that is free of discrimination, 骚扰, 欺凌, 威胁或恐吓,  as well as its duty  to prevent the use of the 大学’s resources to violate federal or state law or infringe upon the rights of others.

In support of these important principles and obligations, the 大学 has established a set of rules for use of the 大学’s 社交媒体账户 and other online forums such as 电子邮件 listservs and discussion boards.


It is the policy of the 大学 to promote free expression and to impose only those restrictions on speech that are necessary to comply with federal and state laws, 防止犯罪, protect the rights of others and maintain its ability to deliver its mission in an orderly manner.

These restrictions apply to use all of the online platforms, 渠道, venues and media that the 大学 uses to deliver its mission or authorizes its 员工 to use

These platforms include but are not limited to digital resources such as 社交媒体账户, 视频和音频流媒体平台, 网站, 电子邮件列表和讨论板.


When using the communication platforms of the 大学 to exercise their individual rights to free speech 员工 must comply with the rules listed below.

  1. Expressions of speech that constitute libel are prohibited.  Libel means speech that intentionally or negligently makes false statements about an individual, group or entity that causes injury to his/her/their/its reputation; and speech that maliciously makes false statements about a public official causing injury to his/her/their reputation.
  2. Expressions of speech that are obscene as defined under New Jersey law and federal law, and are not protected by the First Amendment are prohibited.
  3. Expressions of speech that constitute 骚扰 or discrimination under New Jersey or Federal law are prohibited.
  4. Expressions of speech that are directed to inciting or producing imminent violence or other breach of the peace and are likely to incite or produce such action are prohibited.
  5. Expressions of speech that reveal information protected from disclosure by New Jersey or Federal law, 包括保密的学生信息, 受保护的健康信息, 个人保密信息, 个人财务信息, 机密研究数据, or information that a reasonable person would deem confidential by its nature are prohibited.
  6. Expressions of speech that violate the rules and procedures issued by the New Jersey Ethics Commission governing State 员工 are prohibited. 例如, speech that would promote or endorse a product or event, 供应商, 政党, 政治候选人, or promote an employee’s personal business enterprise is prohibited.
  7. 胶片的使用, 照片, 标志, 文本, 侵犯版权的艺术品或其他材料, trademark or intellectual property rights of the 大学 or others is prohibited.
  8. Digital and audio recordings of live or online classroom instruction may be published online by 大学 员工 in the course of their official duties, 符合适用的大学政策.  然而, digital and audio recordings of live or on-line classroom instruction may not be published by 大学 students online (including social media, 网站 and other digital media) without the prior written consent of the relevant faculty member(s) and the 大学.
  9. Each employee using the 大学’s communications platforms to publish their individual views assumes responsibility for the accuracy of information they publish.
  10. 员工s must make it clear that they are speaking for themselves, not the 大学. 因此,员工:
    1. 不得显示视频, audio, 照片, written 文本 or any other material created by or for the 大学 unless authorized by the 大学 in writing;
    2. Shall not directly or indirectly suggest that the communication is associated with the 大学 or that the 大学 endorses the views or opinions expressed ; and
    3. If using a digital platform owned or sponsored by the 大学, 比如它的网站, 社交媒体账户, 电子邮件, discussion boards or other digital communications platforms, 员工, must explicitly state that the material  provided is the individual’s own, is not associated with the 大学 and does not express the views or opinions of the 大学.

These procedures may be updated from time to time to reflect changes to laws and regulations.


All 员工 are required to comply with this Policy. 员工s who violate this Policy may be subject to disciplinary measures, consistent with any applicable collective bargaining agreement, 直至并包括但不限于停职, 解雇, 和终止.


