The lights in a row outside of the School of Nursing.


Degree-seeking undergraduate students may use the Undergraduate Major/Minor Change online form to request a change to their degree, 主要, 辅修和/或专业. 所有添加专业的请求, 辅修和/或专业 must be reviewed and certified by your new College/School designee before being made official. If approved, you will receive an email with a confirmation of approval.

Newly admitted 第一个-semester students should contact 本科招生 to change their degree, 主要 and/or concentration prior to the 第一个 semester. Non-degree-seeking students must also contact 本科招生 if they wish to become degree-seeking students.

Note: Only one transaction is permitted each time you complete this form. If you wish to drop and add, you will need to drop 第一个 and then return to the form to add.

预计5 - 10 处理发生的工作日. You will see the new 主要/minor/concentration reflected in your Degreeworks header and/or in your 登记 screen in NEST.

1. 该请求将通过您的 巢门户.

2. 登录你的 巢门户.

3. 导航到“个人信息” 在屏幕左侧的页面. 点击 “管理你的档案” link.

4. Once you have entered the student portal, click on the “学生” 选项卡,然后单击 “学生记录.” 你会发现 本科专业/次要变更申请 在子菜单中.

5. 点击 本科专业/次要变更申请.

**Graduate Level students are not permitted to change the 主要 or minor using this form. 请与 研究生院 寻求帮助.

6. 一旦你在表格上着陆, there are navigation instructions on top of the form explaining how to submit each request as well as the policy for changing, 添加, 或者放弃专业, 未成年人和/或集中.

  • If you have applied for graduation through NEST, you are not permitted to 换专业 or minor. 如果你对此有疑问, contact your graduation evaluator who has been in contact with you about your graduation application. If you do not know who this is, reach out to
  • 如果你打算申请毕业, 第一个, 换专业, then wait until you have verified that your 主要 has been changed in Degreeworks.
  • 您只能执行一个 大/小/浓度 每次“ADD”事务.
  • 你不能放弃你唯一的专业.
  • Some concentrations are contingent upon a 主要 change 第一个. If you wish to add a concentration you may need to add a new 主要 第一个 and then return to this NEST form to add the desired concentration.

7. The bottom of the form will have the following fields/prompts. Please read the description for each of these fields prior to submitting a request. This is where you would request to add new 主要s, 未成年人和专业 and also where you will be able to perform any drops for current 主要s, 未成年人和专业.


悬而未决的行动 If you have submitted a request to add/drop any 主要s, minors or concentrations the pending actions will display here. If the request was approved or denied, this field would be blank.
当前重大/项目 This is your current 主要, discipline and program.
为当前专业/项目添加辅修 下拉未成年人列表. 你会在哪里选择一个新的辅修课程.
Add Concentration for 当前重大/项目 浓度下拉列表. 你会在哪里选择新的浓度.
添加新专业(课程) Drop down list of MAJORS with program and degrees. 你会在哪里选择一个新的专业/项目
复选框以删除“现有”课程/专业 Only check this box if you are planning to drop your ONLY 主要 in order to add a new MAJOR from the drop down above.
Drop Current Major (double 主要s), Minor, Concentration. 此选项允许您放弃

2nd Majors, current concentrations and/or minors.

8. If you are keeping the same 主要 but 添加 a new minor, navigate to the drop-down menu under the “为当前专业/项目添加辅修。. Pick a new Minor from the drop-down list and then click on “提交.”

Note: If you already have a pending request for any changes related to 添加 a new minor/主要 or concentration under “pending” actions, you will not be able to submit a new request until those are fully approved and/or denied. 将显示以下错误信息:

9. If keeping the same 主要 but 添加 a new concentration, navigate to the drop-down menu under the “Add Concentration for 当前重大/项目.” Some concentrations are contingent upon a 主要 change 第一个. If you wish to add a new concentration you may need to add a new 主要 第一个 and then return to this NEST form to add the desired concentration. Pick a new concentration from the drop-down list and then click on “提交.”

** If there aren’t any concentrations available under your current 主要, 将显示“No List Available”消息.

10. 添加新专业时, navigate to the drop-down menu under “Add New Major”, select the new 主要 and then click on “提交.”

Note: If you wish to add a new 主要 and drop your current 主要, click on the CHECKBOX right under the 主要 drop-down field. This will let the Office of the 注册商 you are dropping your current 主要 and 添加 the new 主要 chosen.

11. Please note if there are any associated concentrations with the new 主要 chosen, you will get a second page prompting you to 选择所需的专业.” This field is NOT required and you may leave it “Not applicable” to continue with the new 主要 request and then click on “提交.”

12. Navigate to the Drop Current Major/Minor/Concentration dropdown. You can select any of the options displayed but as policy states: you cannot drop your only “主要的” as you will get an error message warning the screen.

13. You may continue to drop your concentration and/or minor if it exists. Please select the discipline to drop and then click on “提交.”
