

  • 新生入住日期: 8月26日星期一至8月28日星期三
  • 返校学生入住日期: 8月29日星期四- 8月30日星期五

办理登机手续的时间是早上8点到8点.m. – 4 p.m. 在上面列出的日期.

你 will be assigned a specific date and time to move in. We anticipate sending out move-in information, including your specific move-in date & 到8月5日星期一.

请开始思考 该带什么,不该带什么 当你准备搬进来的时候.

学生领袖 & 运动员

Students required to arrive on campus before their assigned move-in day due to student leadership training or athletic involvement will have an early arrival date. This will be coordinated and communicated to you from the Office of 居住生活 and the group you are working with.


你 will be assigned a specific date and time to move in. We anticipate sending out move-in information, including your specific move-in date & 到8月5日星期一.

  • 新生须知: We are creating a schedule based on each Orientation Program from Monday, 8月26日, 到周三, 8月28日, 每个学生都会有一个指定的入住日期 & 时间表. Please note in order to receive a move-in time, you should have 报名参加迎新活动. Students will be allowed to move in one day prior to their orientation.
  • 归国学生: We are creating a schedule based on each building from Thursday, 8月29日, 到周五, 8月30日, 每个学生都会有一个指定的入住日期 & 时间表.

除了您的入住确认邮件, all students will receive a “Hawk Pass” via their Montclair Email address. 霍克山口 lets the 大学 staff know the student has completed the below bullet points and is approved to move in. Hawk Passes will be sent to students via their Montclair email account the week before move in begins. 以下是获得鹰通行证所需的物品:

  1. 你的秋季账单必须全部付清,要么直接付款 支付账单报名参加 付款计划 on 或者吃够了 金融援助 来支付你的账单.
  2. 你r Emergency Contact Information has been submitted in 巢.
  3. All housing agreements 必须 be completed in the Residential Management System (RMS).
  4. 您的免疫记录已提交.

If a student does not complete any of the above bullet points, 他们将不被允许办理登机手续. Hawk Passes will be sent to students via their Montclair Email account the week before move in begins. We will continuously send Hawk Passes up until move-in to students who complete any of the above after indicated deadline dates. As a good practice, students should aim to have the above completed by the second week of August.


关于你搬进来的日期和时间, 大学 Police will be stationed at all entrance points of the 大学 to provide directions to your building and to check for your Check-In Confirmation email and Hawk Pass.


  • 弗里曼大厅或拉斯大厅: Enter the campus from Normal Ave and turn onto College Ave.
  • Bohn Hall, Blanton Hall或Stone Hall: Enter the campus from Normal Ave and turn onto Carlisle Rd.
  • Dinallo Heights或Machuga Heights: 从Valley Road到Yogi Berra Drive进入校园.
  • 辛纳屈大厅: 进入丁香路上的小瀑布村.
  • 鹰口岸: 进入克洛夫路上的霍克十字路口综合大楼.
  • 村: 进入丁香路的村庄综合体.

Once you reach your building, you will be eligible to unload your vehicle(s). 你 will have approximately 10 minutes to unload your vehicle. 你 必须 任何时候都不要离开你的车. Someone 必须 completely unload your vehicle and then move to a designated parking zone before moving into your residence hall.

为安全起见, students are permitted to have two (2) guests assist with the move-in process in their space.




所有居民必须退房 24小时 在你最后一次期末考试之后! 所有的宿舍将在春季学期关闭 5月8日星期三上午11点.m..

  • No exemptions will be made to this deadline so it is critical that you start planning in advance in order to meet the check-out deadline.
  • Failure to meet the check-out deadline will result in $100.00 improper check out fees applied to your student account.
  • Approved summer and Senior Week residents will receive further instructions for their check out time in the beginning of May.
  • If you do not have a car and/or will need someone to assist you in moving out, inform your ride and/or help of the check-out deadline as soon as possible! 退房不在周末, therefore your ride and/or help might need advance notice to adjust plans to assist you.
  • 相应的计划! 如果你有很多东西, make a plan to remove them in a way that you complete your move out on time! Moving bins to use will be extremely limited during check out. 制定相应的计划是很重要的.
  • 尽早开始打包你不再使用的物品! 不要等到最后一刻才开始打包.
  • Remove all decorations, command products, stickers/decals, dry erase boards, mirrors, etc. 从墙壁和表面. No items placed by residents should be left intact on any surface!
    • 只在山庄: 不要拆下3M指令条. 设施工作人员会把它们移走.
  • Remove all personal items from the room, bathroom, common areas, etc. Rooms 必须 be left in the same condition as when you moved in. All trash and unwanted items 必须 be disposed of in the trash room.
    • 只在山庄: Dumpsters will be placed outside of The Heights for closing. All students are encouraged to dispose of large items in the dumpster.
  • Room, common areas and bathrooms 必须 be swept and mopped.
  • 关闭并锁定所有窗口.
  • 拉下所有百叶窗.
  • HVAC unit turned to AC, auto, 70-72 degrees (if applicable).
  • 打开所有的书桌和梳妆台抽屉. This will help your ensure you did not forget to empty a drawer.
  • If you rented a MicroFridge unit, empty the unit of food/drink. Leave the unit unplugged and cleaned in the room for scheduled pick up.
  • 关掉所有的灯.
  • Close and lock the room, suite and/or apartment door upon leaving.
  • 在离开之前检查你的邮箱以取回邮件. 你可以通过邮局转寄你的邮件 美国邮政总局. All mail not picked up prior to move out and delivered after move out will be returned to the sender. 亚马逊储物柜将无法访问.
  • All residents MUST complete an Express Check Out envelope to officially sign out with the Front Desk/Office. Return all keys assigned to you in the Express Check Out Envelope.
  • Failure to complete an Express Check Out envelope can result in an improper check-out fee.
  • Keys 必须 be returned inside an Express Check Out envelope by the check-out deadline. 逾期或以任何其他方式将不接受密钥. Failure to return keys correctly and/or on time will result in key replacement fees.