SCM building

Internships and Honor Societies

传播与媒体学院通过实习项目为学生提供以职业为导向的学术机会, 学生荣誉社团和专业/行业协会.   Follow the links below to learn more:

School Internship Program

Lambda Pi Eta Honor Society (LPH)

Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA)

Professional Organization Affiliations

School Internship Program

学校实习计划与行业合作伙伴保持密切联系,为学生提供有意义的实习机会. 与学院的就业服务部门携手合作, 学校教师建议学生从他们的实地经验中获得最佳收益.  在各种专业环境中提供机会,包括:

  • Public relations firms
  • Organizational consulting agencies
  • Human Resources management
  • Mass media production (television, radio, film, print)
  • Event planning organizations
  • Museums, arts and talent agencies
  • Fashion industries
  • Fortune-500 corporations
  • Government and nonprofit organizations
  • Film Festivals
  • 制作专题和纪录片节目、商业广告和工业项目的公司
  • 加上各大网络、电影及娱乐机构,包括:
  • ABC Network
  • NBC Universal Network
  • CNBC
  • ESPN Radio
  • The Colbert Report
  • Saturday Night Live
  • CBS Radio/Westwood One/Dial Global
  • The People’s Court
  • My9
  • NJTV
  • Long Shot Productions
  • SportsNet New York

美国电影艺术与科学学院(Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences)等机构有时会提供助学金,让学生在独立电影和电影制片厂的长片中实习.  Students also intern with NJTV, New Jersey’s new public television network station, which resides on the University campus. 他们获得了研究和开发新闻故事以及录制和后期制作包装采访和新闻片段的实践经验. They also work with show principals to contribute to the NJ Today 新闻节目,每晚在三州地区的公共电视台播出.

有关艺术学院实习和职业发展资源的更多信息,请访问: College of the Arts Career Services.

Lambda Pi Eta Honor Society (LPH)


Lambda Pi Eta (LPH)是全国传播协会的官方学生荣誉社团, 总部设在全国各地的四年制学院和大学, including Montclair State University.


  1. 认可、培养和奖励传播学方面的杰出学术成就
  2. Stimulate interest in the field of communication
  3. 促进和鼓励传播专业学生的专业发展
  4. 在传播领域提供讨论和交流的机会
  5. 建立和维护教师和学生之间更密切的关系
  6. 探索传播学研究生教育的选择

To learn more about LPH at the national level, go to: National Communication Association – Lambda Pi Eta

At Montclair State University, the Zeta Chapter LPH的学生们努力在交流项目中促进学生之间的互动和友爱.  LPH activities include fundraising efforts to raise money for scholarships; organizing students to attend professional conferences; giving support to the academic programs; and providing opportunities for students to share their scholarship with the broader community.



LPH offers two scholarships each spring semester: (1) Lambda Pi Eta Zeta Chapter Academic Scholarship and (2) Thomas Veenendall Memorial Scholarship.  To be considered for a scholarship, 传播学专业的学生必须填写一份申请表,申请表可在学院的总办公室找到.

Montclair State University Chapter – LPH Contact:
Dr. Joel Penney

Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA)

美国公共关系学生协会(PRSSA)是最重要的组织,旨在为对公共关系和传播感兴趣的学生提供服务-拥有300多个大学分会和10个分会,000 participants nationwide.  它是一个学生专业发展组织, 在美国公共关系协会的保护下, 世界上最大和最重要的公共关系专业组织.

In 2008, 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学成为新泽西州第五所被授予PRSSA分会的大学. 学生可以从他们的PRSSA会员资格中获得许多好处,包括获得实习机会和就业机会, PR competitions, 奖学金、分会和国家领导机会.

In addition, 十大博彩推荐排名PRSSA为学生提供实践机会,为非营利组织的实际客户提供公关职能.  自成立以来,PRSSA的学生已经建立了伙伴关系和项目:

  • Metropolitan Opera Guild
  • Opera New Jersey
  • Autism NJ
  • Hackensack University Medical Center
  • Alliance for Art and Health New Jersey
  • Lorena Ochoa
  • Andy Kaufman Award


Montclair State University Chapter – PRSSA Contact:
Prof. Larry Weiner
Coordinator of Public Relations

Professional Organization Affiliations

传播与媒体学院的学生参加了许多专业组织,通过这些组织他们有机会参加会议, 发表论文并与专业人士和学生同事建立联系.  The School maintains active affiliations with:

  • The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences – 一个为推进电视艺术和科学而创建的组织, 总部设在纽约,在全国各地设有分支机构.
  • Alliance for Women in Media (AWM) – 一个通过教育促进妇女在电子媒体和相关领域的影响的组织, 倡导并作为其成员和行业的资源.  (我们的学生参加了AWM每年举办的领导力会议.)
  • New York Women in Communications (NYWICI) –  是纽约地区女性通讯专业人士的主要组织, offering networking, mentoring and volunteer opportunities to students.

为这些组织和其他服务于传播和媒体专业的组织提供资源链接, go to Professional Development.

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