
Programs of Study

Sample Curriculum


Each Term is 8 weeks

样本课程假设60学分可以转学, 包括通识教育的核心课程, 世界语言和世界文化学分. 学分要求和完成学位的时间可能会根据全日制状态和转学接受的学分而变化. 以星号(*)标示的选修课程样本.

Term 1 (6 Credits) 
Course Course Description Credits
UNIV 300 Introduction to Liberal Studies 3 credits
HUMN151 Inquiry in the Humanities 3 credits

Term 2 (6 credits)
Course Course Description Credits
HUMN 201 General Humanities I 3 credits
HUMN 285 Mythology 3 credits

Term 3 (6 credits)
Course Course Description Credits
HUMN 202 General Humanities II 3 credits
HUMN 281 Greek Civilization 3 credits

Term 4 (6 credits)
Course Course Description Credits
HUMN115 Troy and the Trojan War 3 credits
HUMN 283 古代世界的女性、性别和性 3 credits

Term 5 (6 credits)
Course Course Description Credits
HUMN 181 Introduction to Classical Archaeology 3 credits
PSYC 294 领导心理学:理论与应用* 3 credits

Term 6 (6 credits)
Course Course Description Credits
RELG 221 Religion and Culture* 3 credits
ENGL 230 20世纪文学与文化中的穆斯林女性形象* 3 credits

Term 7 (6 credits)
Course Course Description Credits
POLS 201 Comparative Politics* 3 credits
HUMN 384 Introduction to Roman Law 3 credits

Term 8 (6 credits)
Course Course Description Credits
SOCI 220 Sociology of Rich and Poor Nations* 3 credits
HUMN 385 Greek Tragedy 3 credits

Term 9 (6 credits)
Course Course Description Credits
HUMN 470 古典人文研讨会:希腊和罗马宗教的仪式、文化和意义 3 credits
ANTH 290 Historical Archaeology* 3 credits

Term 10 (6 credits)
Course Course Description Credits
UNIV 400 Reflection in Liberal Studies 3 credits
ENTR 201 企业家心态与创新* 3 credits

Each Term is 8 weeks

样本课程假设60学分可以转学, 包括通识教育的核心课程, 世界语言和世界文化学分. 学分要求和完成学位的时间可能会根据全日制状态和转学接受的学分而变化. 以星号(*)标示的选修课程样本.

Term 1 (6 Credits) 
Course Course Description Credits
UNIV 300 Introduction to Liberal Studies 3 credits
EDFD 200 教育的心理学基础 3 credits

Term 2 (6 credits)
Course Course Description Credits
EDFD 221 美国教育的历史基础 3 credits
FSHD 214 Child Development I 3 credits

Term 3 (6 credits)
Course Course Description Credits
HUMN 202 General Humanities II 3 credits
HUMN 281 Greek Civilization 3 credits

Term 4 (6 credits)
Course Course Description Credits
EDFD 320 Inquiry-Based Teaching and Learning 3 credits
FSHD 225 Exploring Family Diversity 3 credits

Term 5 (6 credits)
Course Course Description Credits
EDFD 445 Human Rights Education 3 credits
PSYC 294 领导心理学:理论与应用* 3 credits

Term 6 (6 credits)
Course Course Description Credits
FSHD 216 Adolescent Development 3 credits
ANTH 105 残疾研究、权利及文化概论* 3 credits

Term 7 (6 credits)
Course Course Description Credits
SOWK 220 Social Welfare Policy and Services* 3 credits
CHAD 210 Child Abuse and Neglect* 3 credits

Term 8 (6 credits)
Course Course Description Credits
SOCI 220 Sociology of Rich and Poor Nations* 3 credits
EDFD 449 Current Issues in American Education 3 credits

Term 9 (6 credits)
Course Course Description Credits
LAWS 220 Conflict and Its Resolution* 3 credits
ANTH 205 Disability in US Popular Culture* 3 credits

Term 10 (6 credits)
Course Course Description Credits
UNIV 400 Reflection in Liberal Studies 3 credits
EDFD 300 评估、学习科学和伦理 3 credits




人文学科的重点是建立在现有的国家批准的B.A. 在人文学科,并强调过时的认知技能转移到广泛的职业道路. 人文学科的学生养成分析性和批判性思维的习惯, practice techniques of interpretation, gain intercultural awareness, 并学会比较地处理文化语境. 本专业毕业生具备知识管理方面的专业知识, 这包含了分析的能力, evaluate, 并从广泛的来源综合信息, 构建有证据支持的逻辑论点, 以口头和书面形式清晰表达思想. 人文学科毕业生在许多领域从事职业, including business, communications, health care, law, social work, and education. 许多人将直接从我们的项目过渡到工作岗位, 但也有一些人继续深造,获得各种人文和社会科学学科的专业证书或研究生学位.


HUMN 151: Inquiry in the Humanities
HUMN 201: General Humanities I
HUMN 202: General Humanities II
HUMN 285: Mythology
HUMN 499: Senior Humanities Seminar


HUMN 115: Troy and the Trojan War
HUMN 201: General Humanities I
HUMN 202: General Humanities II
HUMN 281: Greek Civilization
HUMN 282: Roman Civilization
HUMN 332: Selected Topics in Ancient History
HUMN 351: The City in Antiquity
HUMN 355: Alexander: Legend and Legacy
HUMN 357: The Roman Republic
HUMN 358: Cleopatra
HUMN 359: Rome in the Age of Augustus
HUMN 381: Africa in Antiquity

HUMN 209: 《十大博彩推荐排名》
HUMN 221: Viking Mythology
HUMN 283: 古代世界的女性、性别和性
HUMN 285: Mythology
HUMN 288: Mythic Traditions
HUMN 384: Introduction to Roman Law
HUMN 454: Lucretius and Science
HUMN 470: 古典人文研讨会:希腊和罗马宗教的仪式、文化和意义

HUMN 181: Introduction to Classical Archaeology
HUMN 182: English Vocabulary: Classical Roots
HUMN 211: Classicism in American Culture
HUMN 230: Ancient Greece and Rome in the Cinema
HUMN 290: 在希腊和罗马文学和文化选择主题
HUMN 313:  Aegean Art and Archaeology
HUMN 314: Greek Art
HUMN 315: Roman Art
HUMN 321: Early Medieval Art
HUMN 345: Imaging Medieval Women
HUMN 385: Greek Tragedy
HUMN 320: 跨学科人文学科专题选择
HUMN 361: 地中海考古精选专题
LATN 101: Beginning Latin I
LATN 102: Beginning Latin II

Concentration in Education Studies      24 Credits
这种集中提供了深入的接触和参与教育作为一种社会, cultural, and political human endeavor, 从历史上看,这有助于将年轻人引入国家更大的社会和经济结构. Furthermore, 这种专注通过它的课程作业提供了对教育作为人类进步的终身参与的见解和理解, 因此,超越年轻的岁月,进入不同的人生阶段.

这种集中培养了一个发展的环境, nurturing, 与学习内容的关系越来越密切,包括社会, academic, spiritual, personal, and/or emotional dimensions. 这些关系的主要功能是促进成长、发展和学习.

一系列的基础课程提供不同的学科视角, 学生不仅要学习教育和学校教育,还要学习学科如何为从业者构建知识基础, researchers, and policymakers. In addition, 本专业的课程提供了学习人类发展的机会, social systems, families, and communities.

除了学习教育和人类进步作为一门文科, 教育研究将使毕业生能够申请十大博彩推荐排名州立大学的教学艺术硕士学位. Hence, 教育研究注重全面发展, creative, 以及探究型的教育者,他们对小学所教的主题有广泛的主题知识, 他们致力于改善孩子们的生活, communities, and society. 教师是了解学生的知识分子,这种学习经验的需求是对这一概念的回应, 谁知道社区的背景, 并且对他们要教的科目有广泛的理解.

Courses in Educational Foundations
EDFD 200 教育心理学基础*
EDFD 220 教育的哲学取向
EDFD 221 美国教育的历史基础
EDFD 264 Gender and Education
EDFD 300 评估、学习科学和伦理
EDFD 320 Inquiry-Based Teaching and Learning
EDFD 445 Human Rights Education
EDFD 449 Current Issues in American Education

FSHD 141 Interpersonal Relations
FSHD 200 家庭科学与人类发展内容领域导论
FSHD 202 Adult Development and Aging
FSHD 214 Child Development I*
FSHD 225 Exploring Family Diversity
FSHD 275 全球家庭比较研究
FSHD 314 Child Development II: Adolescence


In addition to FSHD 214, 建议有兴趣申请MAT课程的学生在学士学位学习中学习以下课程:

  • 6 credits of Science
  • 6 credits of Social Science
  • 6 credits of English/Language Arts
  • 3 credits of Mathematics


Credit Requirements

Requirement Credits
General Education Core 42
World Languages and World Cultures 3-9
文科学士在通识研究核心 6
专业方向(人文及教育研究) 24
Electives 39-45
Total 120