Students playing video games together

Research and Publication Resources

Journal of Inclusive Postsecondary Education (JIPE): This journal aims to fill the dissemination gap for publishing research within this field. As such, the mission of the Journal of Inclusive Postsecondary Education is to publish original research on the topic of inclusive postsecondary education for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability (JPED): The Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability (JPED) publishes research and contemporary best practices related to disabled college students, college and university disability services offices, disability educators, and disability studies as a field within and lens for the study of higher education institutions. JPED is published by the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD), the primary source of disability related expertise on accessibility, legislation, rights, and any other disability-related information as it pertains to higher education. Consistent with the overall goals of AHEAD, each JPED article includes practical implications for disability services educators in colleges and universities.

Think College Research Evaluation Reports: Think College conducts research and evaluation activities via the National Coordinating Center (NCC) and related projects. This webpage provides easy access to our research and evaluation publications and related products including annual data reports from the Transition and Postsecondary Education Programs for Students with Intellectual Disability (TPSID) model demonstration programs, research briefs, fast facts, and peer-reviewed publications. Presentations that highlight research and data findings are also shared.

TASH Connections Special issue: This issue of TASH Connections highlights the voices of self-advocates, sometimes alongside their friends and colleagues, who share their stories of attending college across the world. Over the past several years, post-secondary education has become an increasingly viable option for students labeled with intellectual or developmental disabilities. The opportunities provided by inclusive college programming are numerous and growing. This issue leaves readers with a breadth of qualitative data demonstrating the power of post-secondary education for students with disabilities.

Articles by Dr. Bacon and Dr. Baglieri about the IAC:

Baglieri, S. & Bacon, J. (2017). Teaching and care: Cripping fieldwork in teacher education. Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal, 13(4).

Bacon, J. & Baglieri, S. (2021). Perspectives of Students Labeled Intellectually Disabled at College: Using Disability Studies as a Lens to Contemplate Inclusive Postsecondary Education. Journal of Inclusive Postsecondary Education, 1-23.