Teacher of Students with Disabilities (Additional Certification in P-3, K-6, or Content Areas)

Co-Coordinator: Dr. Priya Lalvani
Office: University Hall, Room 3200
Phone: 973-655-5372
Email: lalvanip@rockmark.net

Co-Coordinator: Dr. Talida State
Office: University Hall, Room 3190
Phone: 973-655-6709
Email: statet@rockmark.net


This is an advanced teacher certification program for those who are already certified in a secondary level content area or in K-8 with subject matter specialization and who wish to obtain special education certification (Teacher of Students with Disabilities). The program emphasis is on inclusive education.

Please note that the state of NJ requires all special education teachers to have an initial certification in either a secondary-level Content Area, in Early Childhood (P-3), or in Elementary Education (K-6). Applicants who do not hold initial certification in one of these areas should pursue one of the dual certification Masters of Arts in Teaching (MAT) programs as offered by the departments of Secondary & Special Education and Early Childhood, Elementary, and Literacy Education:

Applicants who already have a P-3 or K-6 certification can obtain special education certification and MEd degree through the Early Childhood, Elementary, and Literacy Education department: